Anthony calls the Nick Di Paolo Show (06/29/2017)

18  2017-06-30 by beavvv


damn Nick looks so cook holding that ciggy.

Looking cook is what all the kids are doing these days

Too many cooks.

Just two coons goofing around.

Nick never struck me as African as Anthony.

Just an average macaroni-bender

I tapped out when they blamed heavy traffic on illegals

Did ya?

I made it to "trump has good looking kids".

ivanka is the only one

I completely disagree with everything these two dagos have to say but I found that segment enjoyable as the dickens.

These two pizza niggers might as well take it up the ass from Trump and snowball each other at the end. Also Ant: "He's got handsome kids" Does he? This dope is a bigger ghoul than Anthony.

you might want to get checked for retardation?

Ant says his Jaguar F-Type SVR costs $240,000.

I don't know much about cars, but it seems to me like buying a 2018 model of that car costs $121,000.

They tend to overcharge "those" people

35% interest on a car loan adds up fast.

He has to pay another $120k for insurance