Roland is Lord

24  2017-06-29 by SirWallaceII

we called you fat, we called you gay, we wish heart attacks upon you and a anal rape by a gang of N persons.

Why would you help us?

Roland whispered, "My precious child, I love you and will never leave you Never, ever, during your trials and testings. When you saw only one set of footprints, It was then that I carried you."


No, Randy marsh is Lorde

Old truckers don't get it but it was funny dude.

cant believe I got downvoted for that

I have never ragged on Roland. I have always known he is a wonder to behold.

You, sir, are an asshole.

Who would have known our ultimate hero would be the least famous pedophile to ever work for the show? I take back my comments last week where I said you look like Danny Devito as the Penguin was inflated with an air compressor. I respect you, and I will start watching Roland's Food Court if you get Opie fired. Cross my heart and hope Opie dies.

Cross my heart and hOpie dies.

"As the Father has loved me, so have I loved you. Teehee!"

Remember how we used to question why they pretty much left him alone? Now we know. He had the power to go nuclear

Fatty Fat Fat aint nuttin to fuck wit Fatty Fat Fat aint nuttin to fuck wit

Fuck Roland. Hope he has that heart attack soon.


This is actually about the mad Cubans wife's sister won't fuck roland.

Shut up. It just means he's been crying to HR all those years and that's why nobody could pick on him.

Quit harshin our mellow ya fuck

Shouldn't have made the panda angry!

We've always known Roland does not fuck around, it hasn't been talked about for a while but look up "O&A Roland VS" and theres plenty of shit up there, heres Rowland VS East Side Dave for instance. I hope Roland goes in for the kill on this one.

One set of very, very deep footprints

Roland is fucking worthless.

Hahaha what the fuck is this sub
