Did any of you actually watch Problematic with Moshe Kesher, or did you just say it sucked because he's a "liberal"

12  2017-06-29 by buttholebrigade

Because you wouldn't have been wrong, it was really bad.


I hate myself so I watched every episode at least 5 times

I watched it just because he grew up in Oakland and I thought that maybe I could relate to the guy, but no, he is just the fag that everyone assumed he was.

I was intrigued by the way he sold it on O&A, i didn't expect much but couldn't get past the second episode.

I thought about watching it, until I saw a promo shot where he was looking straight into the camera with his mouth agape and brow furrowed; as if to say "watch out folks! this guy calls 'em like he sees 'em!"

I though this show was canceled (?)

what happened?

It was cancelled, because it was awful.

It's like Patrice said, they were going to bring a bunch of fake idiots from LA to say, "Look, you're head is big" and the audience rightfully trashed it.

That vid with him and Serch was all I needed to see.

Thats what made me punch out for good, i couldn't remember that talentless hack's name.

I was raised by the streets.......but also my parents

I watched some clips on here that actually made me sick. I would have had to use the commercial breaks to go puke if I watched a full episode.

I never watched it BUT I will still say it sucked.

I'm a liberal, but every clip I saw made me sick to my stomach.