"Your oblivious" Paul to Opie. On air. He's my new hero

102  2017-06-29 by Dennyislife


God damn can a honkey get a link

Idk who he is but i love him.

But are you in love with him?

Won't see him no mo

who is this Paul guy?

Paul Hahrrgis, He is Opie's file trading partner.



Roland stopped working exclusively for channel 103 months ago and now books for several shows. Wow, when someone works for Opie for awhile and then leaves, they are quick to stick it to him. You have to wonder though how Roland gets by refusing to book now for Opie's show and management be OK with it. They do not care whether Opie gets a good guest or not. Opie's world is disintegrating but it's not his fault though.

Opie's world is disintegrating but it's not his fault though

well, partially.

Paul: " I think it's your own fault" ME: " ...partially"

Lol that made me furious. If he would just not film men in the washroom like any normal heterosexual man, it could have all been avoided. It is by all accounts, every bit his fault and there is literally no one else even partially responsible. I hate this fat sloth so much

Now hold up, I'm not a faggot or anything but let's not go bashing a classic Film 'n' Piss.

I used to get downvoted on this sub for pointing out that in the decade of listening to O&A , one is responsible for all the gay content.

Through your tears

When was that? The first time I went to this sub it was 2014 and there was tons of Opie hate, that's why I've always liked this place

You're still getting downvotes, for mentioning downvotes.


I didn't know the Scarlet Pimpernel frequented this sub. The tranny talk must have brought you

Leave it alone

Pictures/Group meetings in the bathroom are one of the few things carried over from O&A and it's going to be the reason he gets fired. Nothing makes me happier

Leave it alone

It's the same shit when he gave out erock's cell phone.

ME: "I think you owe me an apology for thinking I'd do something like that on purpose."

"You've done stuff like that to me on purpose."

ME: "Well this time I didn't, so you owe me some kind of apology for thinking this time was on purpose."

Whom is on first.

your oblivious what, dummy?


Learn proper grammar, faggot.

giddy and high on life. No.

Opie then points out that everyone around him agrees with his side. Paul swiftly responds with "Just because people around you agree doesn't make it right".

Probably broke Tits brain.


More importantly, is Paul white?

yes indeed he is