It is not even slightly OK to be Jewish.

7  2017-06-29 by JoeCumiasCockBreath

See above.


i think jewish girls are hot, i dont fuck nearly enough though

Of course they're hot.

Think how warm a gas chamber is.

Wait they cooked jews? I thought they just poisoned em. That hitler guy sure was rambunctious

They poisoned them and then cooked them and then fed them to other jews which poisoned them and so on.


You know from a purely logistical standpoint thats just brilliant.

I love jew broads. I like black chicks too.

My father hates me.

Is that why you're so miserable and angry? Because Daddy didn't love you

Yeah, that's it: take my own self depricating joke and then try to make it literal to 'hurt' me.

Comedy 101, folks.


deprecating* Spelling 101, folks.

That's all you got I guess, that I "hit the wrong key on my keyboard." You should be one of those "Dump The Ump" clowns at the county fair, you're a killer.

E and I are actually not next to each other on the keyboard so it'd be really weird if you just accidentally "hit" the wrong key. The much more likely explanation is that you are bad at spelling and also comedy because you're dumb.

Whatever gets you through the night there, young captain.

Might as well make a post saying that 2+2 is 4.

((( 2 + 2 = 4 )))'ve convinced me

Anyone remember Elisa she wolf of the SS.

If controlling the media is wrong then you're right

Weeeeellll maaaaaybe just tah penny's worth?

You're a hack bigot. Hating Muslims is where it's at.