TITS is going to start his own podcast network!!

88  2017-06-29 by SHITLORD_CUNTDICK


Why did you poorly blur out his name?

The mods would delete it otherwise. If you leave in the names of randos, the mods consider it doxxing.

Oh, good job then.

He can do the first couple of years of shows from his cuck shed while Bam Margera drunkenly deposits jism into and onto his wife. I think he should go for it


The Opie (and Anthony) network?

Cant wait for the documenchree podcast

The Spuds Buckley Podacast should come first.

The Harry Hatercast.

Dis guy is fawkin good

How awesome would it be if by some crazy twist of fate that the only way he could sell subscriptions was if he did a full show of sincerely in character as Spuds Buckley. Like he's on the brink of bankruptcy from the network around his neck so he can't just quit. He has to be Spuds or else he's out on the street.

I'm sure he has the money to start it but lacks the fanbase to make it self sustaining. It's why Ant looks awful, the stress from him bleeding money is aging him like he opened the ark of the covenant.

I like the idea in principle cause Sirus xm is a shit company I never want to hear about again, but it also bums me out that the other half of o&a might vanish behind a pay wall. Anthony is one of my favorite funny people in the world and I haven't heard a word from him in years besides clips here.

It does feel like a waste. Ant is fawking hilarious

You haven't missed much, he's a different Anthony on his alt-right network.

Ant is just looking his age. Hair plugs, dye jobs at John Sahag, contact lenses, and caps on the teeth can only hold back Father Time for so long.

It's mostly the drinking all night and sleeping all day. The human body isn't designed to sleep his hours. We're supposed to go to bed when it gets dark and wake up when the sun rises. That's why long-term night shift workers always look half dead, even if they sleep 8 hours plus out of 24. Long term drunks also age like shit.

This guy - http://cimg.tvgcdn.net/i/r/2015/11/24/6d767aa9-b141-410b-a928-993e301afc1c/thumbnail/1300x867/ada1892967971301b3b1d044fb9de57b/151124-news-bacon.jpg is 3 years older than Anthony. He's always been a bit of a weird creepy looking fucker and has, undoubtedly had work done, but he also probably takes care of himself, enjoys wine in moderation and is in bed by 11 pm.

It's not just that he's old and inherently tough to look at.

nice picture faggit

Thanks. It was easy - random famous person who's older that Kumiya - obvious choice, 6 degrees of Kevin Bacon. Google image Kevin Bacon 2017. Choose best pic for effect.

You have a highly original and edgy username and "flair" name, by the way. You also spelt faggot wrong.

All good in da hood bra

It's spelled faggot you fucking retard.

I did that on purpose, to indicate that this is the reply of a douchebag. It's astounding how dumb some of you motherfuckers are.

That's the gayest post I've read all day, and I fuck men.

Sleeping at those hours isn't an issue you numbskull (provided you're getting a proper 8 hours rest). The lack of Vitamin D on the other hand is.

And in Anthony's case, yeah the drinking.

Ant is just looking his age. Hair plugs, dye jobs at John Sahag, contact lenses, and caps on the teeth can only hold back Father Time for so long.

You said it. It's getting to the point where I wouldn't even fuck him.


Also, the heart attack, drugs, lack of sleep, and impending cirrhosis aren't helping.

Nigga got a job that starts at 4 pm and still can't get enough sleep?

It's seriously true

I used to have my own company and I very much prefer "working for the man." Being an entrepreneur is exhausting.

hes going to be the only podcast with a paywall that nobody bothers pirating and downloading for free

well joe matrese

well Anthony Cumia

Anthony was pirated but the pirate got offended by this sub.

and we're still reeling from the loss

I can no longer tell if this is sarcastic or not.

I listened to the first week to see if it would be worth subscribing...

But yea, the guy that was doing it quit because so many of the people that listened for free bitched about the shows.

That's hilarious to me.

It's one big dumpster fire, which is what keeps me coming back.

Pirating the show would only be a good thing for Anthony. People give you money for internet entertainment because they earnestly like you. I give money to a few guys on patreon because I like the stuff they create for free. Both Opie and Anthony are too old to realize this.

Yea, I support some podcasts, but they typically let you listen to some portion of the product for free. No way was I going to jump on a pay for podcast without testing the waters first, and tranthony's podcast is fucking redundant and boring.

Checkout /r/Cumtown if you haven't yet.

If his podcast was free on iTunes nobody would fucking download it.

where are the cumia pirates ffs?

(serious here)

tss sailing the seven seas or sumthin

An excellent, incisive comment. Kudos to you, sir.

It's not in the works, hes lied about every single phone call and meeting and whatever he's taken for people supposedly wanting his dying services.

Yeah exactly. He's too dumb, lazy and lacking imagination to try and set up even a CM level bad podcast network. This is, in all likelihood, just another one of his dumb "We're leaving" negotiation attempts with Sirius. Only this time he has no brand or leverage. He's done.

set up even a CM level bad podcast network

You can mock Compound Media all you want but once they open the New York studio big things are going to happen and the money and fame will just come rolling in.

I mean, Compound Media must be at least breaking even at this point, otherwise Cumio would have gone bankrupt by now. He can't sustain that shit for this long out of his own pocket.

I don't think he's actually making any money, but breakeven is more than anyone expected. So you know, credit where due and all.

Getting rich off those DeepDiscount live reads $$$$$

I'd be willing to bet that Gavin gets a decent draw for Compound Media. Without him I doubt it would be afloat

Opie's entire show now is a demo reel for a mid-sized zoo crew market. And he'll be lucky to get that. It certainly won't be in New York.

Yep....you beat me to it.

1 year in, gets fired from his own network.

A full year of "I'm fighting for my fawking life out here." The goddamned rich cunt

Or, his brand becomes so toxic he needs to change the name of his network to something stupid like "Compound Media".



That's a far more reputable brand than Opie or Compound Media

Million Dollar Apartment Media

The person I'm replying to is an admitted child rapist and child rapist supporter

Man, you know this nigga is lyin'.

Well he has so much material. Remember when he wanted to do one with his brothers?! Such crazy stories I can imagine!

Nice lack of a capital letter to start your sentence and complete absence of a full stop to signify its end, Gregg.


Nothing could be further from the truth.

de lusion al

Was that the animal that beat up Anthony?

Come Pound Lynsi Media?

damn this unseated me

Sponsored by the Ryan Dunn Memorial Foundation

The Opie and Anthony network stands half a chance. Without Jim Norton and Opie and Anthony not regularly doing shows together? Zero. Opie likes his new style of show.

In the spirit of the sun I think we should suggest some shows that I know we will all want to see.

Dude Weed LMFAO with Boug Denson (haha he's too stoned to write his own name haha).

Dassabeshow with Sherrod Small (but the logo could be his big fat tongue which isn't Small at all (haha that kinda rhymed haha))

Documentrees, a show hosted by Greg Opie Hughes and Boug Denson (haha he did it again, that racially marijuana imbiber) where Boug (lol) smokes weed while Opie goes over the Documents from his impending divorce.

Viva la Jam, hosted by noted line cook and profuse laugher Mad Cuban Ruiz, is a 60 minute show dedicated to laughing, fruit preserves, and building rafts out of 1950s cars.

IknowEyeNo, hosted but Auburn's most noted comedian and Alabama's favorite son, Vic Henley. A show where Vic answers calls from Alabamians and tries to guess what part of Alabama they are from and drops random facts about music.

Alternate Title: Tits and Grits

Don't forget, "Pick Theo Von Out Of A Lineup".

Ope-Man the Destroyer, a show where Greggg Opie Hughes sucks the air out of the room merely being himsef

Eventually he'll realize what the fans really want, team back up with Ant and branch off starting the "Harry Hater Jazzcast"

If he doesn't sign Brain On The Brink, he's beneath my contempt.

Dassabeshow with Sherrod Small

Ribs hurtin'


2 Live Jews- Jewdy Gold and her foreskin talk about Jew type stuff

Do you think Boug Denson (lol) would give Opie a lil taste, lil taste?

Well, Boug (haha) isn't one to HOLD ON HOLD ON HOLD ON to his marijauna all too closely

in the works

What the fuck is wrong with these old men?

The President sat in Marc Maron's garage and talked into an affordable mic plugged into a laptop. Maron, Rogan, and Burr all have bigger audiences than these guys at this point.

Somehow, despite having met those three guys and actually talked about podcasting with them, these radio zilches cannot wrap their heads around the fact that all you need is content.

What could possibly be "in the works"?

Not content, that's for sure

The old show broke up before Jim could tell Opie the details of how to get podcasting equipment into the city.

Opie's fightin' for his life over here!

A lot of that was just being in the right place at the right time.

For instance, Marc Cuban sold "broadcast.com" to Yahoo for billions, but in hindsight, my teenage nephew could crank out that piece of shit.

For a couple years there, the bar was REALLY low for podcasts.

That's not the point.

They think you need a full radio studio to record a podcast when all you need is a $100 mic and an iPhone.

They think you need a website and a subscription service when you all you need is YouTube/iTunes/Amazon.

They think you need a professionally-shot video element when all you need is a webcam.

They think you need celebrity guests when all you need is the ability to be interesting for 45 minutes to an hour.

They look at successful podcasts and they think they're successful because they have all of the above. The truth is the opposite.

The hard part is building an audience. That's where Rogan, etc. were all in the right place at the right time. They got in when it was easier to build an audience. Thing is that Opie, Anthony, and Jim can skip the hard part. They have an audience already.

All they need to do is talk into a mic for an hour and make it available somehow. Provided the content's good they'll be almost immediately successful. None of them can wrap their heads around that idea. Idiot Cumia poured money into trying to build a network before he even had a decent show. Idiot Norton was only brave enough to try after Bobby made a very wide path for him to follow.

And Opie has something "in the works"? Just sit down in front of a fucking microphone.

What the fudge do you think "doing radio since i was 18" is ?? He's got stories for days brotha man.

I get that emotions are running high in this thread but there's no need for language like that.

He will still blame shit on management.

Kevin Joseph‏ @thebucch · 1h1 hour ago * hope you go to compound you and @AnthonyCumia on same network= straight murder money muthafuckas*

I hope this middle aged white man with a child who talks like an inner city black yout has a massive heart attack in front of his family.

If he's posing as an inner city black chances are it's "all 12 of his children not "his child".

His kids will be nowhere in sight.


Please let this be true. What a disaster.

Well I for one look forward to the YEEAAAHHHHHHcast.

I want Opie to start a network just so Sam can later steal it.

Oh boy. I cant wait to hear Vic Henley and Sherrod's solo shows.

The funny one couldn't make it work how the fuck is this cunt going to.

The vague erock podcast network

Fat chance this nigger is gonna have shit

"Live from a restaurant"

Hey haterz...it'll only be the cost of 1 appetizer from F.H. Riley's a month!

If you can't afford that, you've got problems.

No, it's not in the works.

For years, I lived by the dictum, 'I hate Opie, therefore I am.' But, now, I'm very afraid because his time is about up; you can feel it and you can smell it..but after he goes, who or what do I become? Wait, I know--'I hate Sam, therefore I am.'
Thank you--sniff.

Awesome. Hopefully he sinks all his money into it and it goes bust-a-roo, and someone stomps on his cake when he's living homeless on the street, bringing everything around full circle.

It won't last as long as the XFL and for mostly the same reasons.

"Tits in the works"

Who gives a shit ....

Another bluff by the guy with no options

From being a radio star to podcasting.. Enjoy the ride down buddy.

The mods would delete it otherwise. If you leave in the names of randos, the mods consider it doxxing.

That's hilarious to me.