Retarded Fat Spic Carl "The Mad Cuban" Ruiz gets very butthurt over chocolate

8  2017-06-29 by TonyFromLongIsland


yeah this got posted a few times yesterday


why are you even posting it in the first place?

Pipe down ya stupid nigger.

Carl should of beat the fuck out of that cunt... you can hate Carl all you want but he doesn't get paid to be their and he paid $50 for those chocolates...

They also worship Sam just a few months ago

He's a grown man who paid $50 for chocolates to bring to his friends. Can we agree that is kinda gay?

If I was meeting up with any degenerates from this sub, it would just be Poppers and Mad Dog 20/20

I'm not stickin up for the guy... Iv spoke to him on twitter and he's seems a genuinely good dude.. his passion is food, he's a chef, he brings food gifts.. that's not gay... being on the Opie raqio show on the other hand is fuckin gay

you and "The mad cuban" are flaming homosexuals.

you and "The mad cuban" are flaming homosexuals.

his passion is food, he's a chef, he brings food gifts.. that's not gay...


Just suck my dick and I'm golden


Paul's alright by me

If its real, then its the funniest thing ever on Opie's new shit show


Chocolates in Cubano town. Eat shit,and die.

Ruiz doesn't really need any more chocolates. In fact, he should run away from chocolates.

Fake. Fake and gay

this dumbass was so autistically mad over the chocolates lmfao. how do you call someone a peasant as you're freaking out over a 50 dollar box of chocolates??? paul is a good boy

Add Paul to the list of employees who have now surpassed Opie.

why are you even posting it in the first place?