Was Rich Vos not even invited?

8  2017-06-28 by Jewspiracydawg


Jews are only funny in New York

And Dachau

That made me laugh so hard I farted. Thank you for your service.

Gild me, cheapass

Nighters are always looking for handouts.

That made me laugh so hard I belched. Thank you for your service, sir.

he's wasn't allowed because of his tattoos.

Sadly one of them isn't a serial number.

Not Welcome

"I will fucking cut your Shylock nose off and stick it up your ass..."

The faggot in the lower right hand corner that is pointing needs to be stripped nude, hosed down and then thrown in a Hitler Easy Bake Oven for a few hours.

I think the one on the top right is the most hateable one

Oy vey

So...just a comedy festival?

That guy on the top right looks like an asshole.

I don't recognize one kike in this picture. I thought Jews were supposed to be running the entertainment industry?


Bottom middle looks like rich vos and mark Normandy love child.

Whenever you see a comedy lineup that's exactly 50% women, you know they didn't all earn their spot from being funny.

It's a festival of lights.

It's probably the tattoos

This looks like the next round of nobodies to appear on YKWD. well done Blobby.

Haven't you heard? We like that blubbery homo again.

Well, shit, damn, fuck. I cant keep up with the hate. I guess I need another bandwagon to jump on.

What tribal leader did he piss off?

Why isn't this picture in the middle?!

Dead eyes. So many dead eyes.

What a collection of zeros

Sounds awful. Last thing I would ever want to do is listen to a bunch of people who take their religion that serious, attempt to be funny / relevant.

it's a Jewish comedy festival

Haven't you heard? We like that blubbery homo again.