Torso and dress sense of a 14 year old boy; head of a Romanian grandmother

144  2017-06-28 by chrb16


i dont even watch the show but his short sleeve shirt unbuttoned shirt over a tshirt is begging to annoy me

Yeah, I get being into the 14yr old girls on those Disney Channel shows, but when you dress like the smart-ass little brother, it's a bit creepy.

It's the conceal carry. Can't brandish on your hip when you dress like the bassist from Dishwalla.

its a horrific combination at any age

What is he twelve?

What's a cop fucking his wife or something?

No you've got it all mixed up, he's fucking the cop's daughter.

Guess Keith had to be creative when he couldn't afford to pay Ant for the month.

Why would Keith pay Ant

The other way around doesn't make much sense either

Ant's malnourished teen shaped body Ant is essential for his teenage discos infiltrations. He explains the face and hair on a terrible fire that was started by troublesome negro.

Very troublesome

Did he get that button up in the boys department of Kmart? Properly sized and fitted, you're supposed to be able to button the shirt all the way up with enough room to fit a couple finger inside the collar.

My god can you imagine having your biceps and your wrists be the same girth? What a sissy.

This man has never lifted weights in his life.

What's your problem?

You think it's strange for a 60yr old millionaire to dress like a grade school kid from JC Penny catalog?

So what if Anthony works himself into a lustic froth at the thought of penetrating the 14yr old girls in said JC Penny flyer.

You think he's doing some Michael Jackson level behavior...where he dresses and acts like a young teenage he can justify his sexual conquests of young teenage girls?

How dare you.

I wouldn't exactly call it Michael Jackson-like to moonwalk off a karaoke stage in an airconditionless basement onto a ladyboy's sweaty cock.

that ain't sweat


Anthony is a gay Phillopino boy trapped in an old black woman's body

his dick also smells like a 14 year old boy.

whose doesnt

Point, counter-point .... NICCCCCCE!

I like how Anthony popped a suit on for his most recent semi-famous, homosexual guest and wears a T-shirt and Kohl's button down when comedians come in and then tries to convince us that he doesn't love cock. I surely wouldn't dress up for Joe DeRosa either but I would never dress like this mope. They say " don't dress for the job you have, dress for the job you want." I would guess Anthony wants to be a cast member of Real World: Seattle in 1996 based on that logic

A gay guy slapped an ugly girl on that one. Ant's role model

Kohl's button down


sometimes he gets some Old Navy into the mix that Ang personally picks out.

It's like my grandfather used to say, "Dress for the girl you want to fuck".

Why did you get down voted? That is great advice.

My grandpa used to say "gas the jews. Lynch the niggers and spic's too."

To be fair I hope I look that good when I'm 200

Holy shit is that the real captjon?

Remember when Anthony tried making fun of Sam for a denim shirt and Sam just pointed out Anthony was wearing a tshirt that said "inspected for awesomeness"

The man should be ashamed of himself

someone put these back on thepiratebay por favor

Nice Malcom in the Middle cosplay.

Holy shit you nailed it!

You can nitpick on the guy's life choices, but man, that view of NYC. Hoooo boy.

That studio is something else. You can practically see Canada from that window!

No, that's not actually NYC that's a green screen.

Hes going to the big dance!

Resubscribed the other day to his show... Was still the same boring rants about race and him pretending to be a white man.... Fucking sissy spagetti nigger...

He dresses like Malcolm in the Middle.

He looks like when the main character in Team America disguises himself as a terrorist.


Why did you get down voted? That is great advice.

My grandpa used to say "gas the jews. Lynch the niggers and spic's too."

sometimes he gets some Old Navy into the mix that Ang personally picks out.