Reminder. Opie lost the morning show. Channel name and programming of the channel, his office is a chair in a hallway as he cannot work with others, lost his man servant club soda Kenny, lost a replay and most of his audience.

217  2017-06-28 by Dennyislife

I don't think we revel in this glorious time enough.


if only you knew what he knew

ME: I could tell you tings.

Like how to change your daughter's diaper into her 30s.

And if only he wasn't such a compulsive liar it might actually be believable

ME: Then you gotta go!

If only he realized what OP realized

He's still desperately clinging on to his power.

That's probably why he's trying his hardest to help out the small group of comedians who still like him pushing that comedy event. He will need them when his show finally completely tanks.

comedians who still like him

comedians him

Slow down.

What power? You really think he has any power at Sirius at this point?

I used to work for the Mafia.

ME: In the end you'll see. Trust me.

well of course, hes been doing radio since 1987

No he was still a child then.

You guys weren't there for me that day.

He also lost Roland. Tits is finished.

The rats are fleeing the sinking ship.

How funny that Opie is the one referred to as Tits.

Leave it alone...


What exactly happened here? I always got the impression Opie was the company man out of the three of them but after the O&J show obviously Jim got the better deal and the company treated Opie like shit.

It doesn't matter if no one listens.

There's probably a ton of shows with less listeners on Sirius than Opie gets. But the problem is they probably pay him way more than those other people and are expecting a big show out of him.

He'll either take a big pay cut or get put on the chopping block. I'm sure the whiny dramatics will be aired out daily by Opie when the time comes.

Denny is a company man. Opie just 'knew' the business

Gotta perform. Gotta generate numbers and audience. Kissing management ass will keep you on air during rough patches, but getting listeners, subscribers and advertisers is what companies really give a shit about. As Vos said yesterday, the Opie brand belongs on a headstone in a cemetery.

Vos actually said that?

It was on a tombstone at his roast.

If he didn't, he should've.

Opie was always a little faggot about his contract. He wouldn't tell his co-hosts when he signed, he wouldn't negotiate with them.

Opie was playing his "I might retire" card, Jimmy got pissed off and made his own deal because he was sick of Tits' behavior.

Opie bitched about the suits more than anybody and always tried to threaten them with quitting. I'm sure they all appreciated that.

Company man? No way. The Opester is a FUKKIN REBEL, and don't you forget it.

The short answer: Opie got what he wanted, complete control of the show, with Ant gone. And then did nothing with it, and coasted with Jim and the crew. He had more than a year to develop a show, and all he did was backstab Sam to nights, and replace Ant with Jim with his narcissism bullshit. So Jim left. And he did the same fucking thing: nothing, he's letting whoever that is on the show with him do all the work, and he just sits on his ass. When his contract isn't renewed, he'll blame it on his cohosts, too. Opie is whatever he wants to be, when it benefits him. Get rid of Ant? He's 100% behind the company. Do his job? Man, those suits fawkin suck bro! He's a fraud. There is no real "Opie", he's just a bundle of narcissism and lies.

Couldn't agree more with this.

He could have completely revamped and rebranded the show after Ant was basically tossed out. He could've even reformatted the show to something more in line with a pop culture talk show not emphasizing the comedy or whatever, more in line with his love for shit reality shows and celebrity gossip. Demanded all new production, sounders, bumpers etc. But in the end, he sat on his ass believing his simple presence created all that "magic" in the studio and no effort on his part was needed. He is a fucking dolt and a lazy piece of garbage. He deserves to crash and burn like he is. Fuck him.

This is why people hate the company man. The company doesn't give a fuck about you.

I finally figured out what bothers me about Opie (aside form the delusions of grandeur, pettiness, and overall hackiness)

If you look at the pictures on his Twitter, he's clearly one of those people who wants to be "ONE OF THE GUYS." He wants people to view him as that lovable scamp who goes out boating and picking up girls, like he and Vince Vaugh and Owen Wilson would hit the town and get into trouble on a Saturday night.

Colin Quinn once told Bob Kelly that Bob wanted to live the American dream despite not being fit for it, using the example of having the guys over and "hoping the ladies let us get away with this."

I like to think that everyone in the room took some time to think how much that was in fact 100% accurate about Opie.

Colin is the greatest man alive and I hate Opie right to the core of his being.

Good boy

ME: My brother Elmo has HIV and I don't help out with he medical bills

But he still thinks he is #1, it's just Sirius fucking with him.

It won't be complete until he's completely off the air.

Doesn't matter what you say, Management is LOVING the new direction of the show.

It's just too bad the fans don't.

Rapidly downward.

The problem is everyone else in radio and the world, not with Opie

Reminder that when Ant first joined him, management offered Ant his position...

They always try that divide and conquer shit. Ant was happy to be there and didn't know the business, Opie had been kicked around long enough to know better. They would have just matched him up with some broken down old hack and Ant never would have done anything good.

Yeah they were a good team. And if Opie wasn't such a toxic human being, they could have done radio for another twenty years.

He's not 100% to blame. Anthony lost his mind. Seeing a black man run for president broke his brain.

He also lost Troy Quan, so that's a win for the Opester.

Can someone fill me in with what happened to Kenny? Was there a blow up or did he just disappear?

He works full time for Amy Schumer.

Yeah, but he gained a group of guys who fake laugh voraciously whenever he needs support.


So THAT'S what he needed Jimmy for that day!!!

I couldn't imagine what his wife goes through day after day


Day after day? Day after day?

You get a couple of those shooters in your, and....

Leave it alone

When you put it like that, it's almost like you're trying to be hurtful.

Random: I was listening to some old O&A clips, and Jimmy said to Opie "it's gayer than your shirt!"

Opie immediately took to defending his shirt and you could tell he was getting mad slightly that he was getting teased.

Right away he goes "this shirt isn't gay, come on dude, it's from the gap" like that's somehow supposed to mean what? That it's a popular brand and therefore it couldn't be gay? Only Opie would be dumb enough to get clothes from the gap.

He does wanna be "one of the guys" so badly.

I was listening to them shit talk scorch which I love, but then Louis came on and you could just tell how badly opie wants certain people to think he's cool. When Louis shows up he literally acts like a 10 year old.

I also noticed in the old clips like from the early 2000s that he also wasn't as stupid and was quick and on the ball.

I am a firm believer that once Jimmy and the other comics became regular guests and just started hanging out during the whole show, and once Ant developed relationships with Jim and Patrice and Colin, Opie realised he was being passed by comedically. How can a stupid hack radio bit or taking calls compare to just letting those four guys talk? You can see his frustration ever time he completely derailed a conversation to play some news clip that had nothing to do with what they were talking about and is nowhere near as fun for them to riff on, or when he just cuts everyone off and takes 10 calls in a row, despite complaining that the callers "suck". Well if they suck why keep going back you fucking hack? Opie deserves everything he is getting taken away from him, he is a pompous ass who will never admit he did a single thing wrong. Its funny that with all the problems in that room during Voss's roast that nobody else had any issues, I guess all those problems only would have been there once Opie showed up, but it couldn't be his fault though...

I wonder who really protested that in the first place, Opie admitted that "They" meaning him and ant didn't want comics on to just hang out at first but then saw the light, but I think it was all Opie from the start.

It's funny how Opie always tries to defend himself by saying "the show has evolved, it's grown past you" when it was the show's evolution away from just another wacky radio show and into a gladiator coliseum for comedians that rendered him completely irrelevant.

Opie had a purpose when they were smashing Tickle Me Elmos. When they started getting comics on and the focus of the show was verbal sparring he only existed to take callers and take them to break.

What happened to Kenny? I don't follow his piece of shit show at all.

There's all sorts of problems in that building right now.

Well, he does have an office, he is just too lazy to use an office that's on a different floor than the studio.

Is this true? Haven't paid for Sirius or listened to his shitty show since Anthony left

it's shittier than a porta potty at (deleted)_ in atlanta new hampshire

they all basically talk over each other and yell-laugh continuously until i gotta turn it off..sounds like last call at bob's fish house on 2nd ave in buffalo new hampshire

Yeah, don't kick a loser when he's down, especially down syndrome.

You forgot massive paycut. He has no shame. Any self respecting person would have left.

I wish I could find the clip from the Jocktober where they were making fun of this older local DJ who was clearly phoning it in and both him and Ant said they would never do that, how they would be out of the chair and let someone else have their time long before they ever lost their edge.

I guess I have to start rewatching them to find it, I have been thinking about what they said that day a lot recently, pretty much every time I see the same hack clips from opies show


Yea I remember listening to the same clip it is on YouTube somewhere in the jocktober compilations.

His wife's lifestyle isn't gonna pay for itself.

Bam needs to eat too.

We don't revel enough, because that stupid fuck is still making money.Now is not the time to revel.Take away the income, then we revel.capish...

Is his office really in the hallway?

About seven years ago, during the height of "Complaining Opie", I had a dream that XM moved the show's studio to a stairwell. As I was going up the stairs, I passed O&A out, and Opie was talking into the mic saying something like "Isn't it great to be broadcasting from a stairwell?! Gotta love this fuckin' company!"

I guess this dream wasn't too far off, lmao

He's still figuring it out.

but he has great tits going for him, which is nice.

He also has large mammaries.

And doesn't even have a show booker anymore

How did he loose Kenny?

Also, he is an oversensitive woman with titties.

Well, when you put in perspective like that...fffffuuuuucccckkkk

It's just too bad the fans don't.

Rapidly downward.