I Am Jazz report 6/27

1  2017-06-28 by jimrossdeadwife2

In the biggest brand mishap since New Coke, ladyboy heartthrob Jazz Jennings decides its time to turn his most lucrative bit into an axe wound. Jazz's family takes him to see renowned vaginoplasty enthusiast, Dr. Lucky Duck, MD. The doctor proceeds to fondle the confused young man before complimenting the father on what a hot young piece of ass he's sired. The doctor has good news and bad news. The good news is that the hormone treatments Jazz has been on have given him a luscious set of milkers. The bad news: it's also left him with a penis too small to work with in surgery. The doc continues to have a good laugh over Jazz's micropeen and tiny sac while Jazz's mother defends her decision to chemically castrate and mutilate her son. This all really happened.


Tell me what happened on 90 day fiance too, you TLC-watching faggot.

I just... I mean why the hell would you trade a penis for a vagina? Everyone prefers a penis