I'm ALL IN with the Sargon/Anita feud

3  2017-06-28 by FlashVirus


I think anita sarkeesian won this round. Called him human garbage and tossed his fat british ass out.

She's the male Opie

with worse tits

And then has a bunch of morons claiming she was somehow victimized.

tldw? I barely heard of these people.

Two people who should be interrupted with a bullet don't like each other.

the whole feminist/anti-feminist thing has gotten really boring

trump won, they lost, just ignore them and they'll go away

Anita Sarkeesian is a lying, profiteering Jew cunt who plays the vagina card to garner sympathy and money.

Sargon is a self-righteous douche who pretends to be some arbiter of intellectual honesty and objectivity but is actually a would-be alt-right meme fag.

and Rogan???

A closeted midget cock sucka!



B-But he told me he was new labour :(

That bitch definitely has to shave her upper lip 3 to 4 times a week