"Our dad is such a fucking faggot"

142  2017-06-27 by TonyFromLongIsland


When is Pete Davidson gonna run this one off?

He has no shame though.

not anytime soon because I don't think he is going to do the show anymore.

I was wondering about that.

Why won't Davidson do Opie anymore?

Too big for the show. It sucks cause they fawking made that guy.

Wasn't he just on when he got out of rehab....for weed.

Give the guy a break, he's very depressed. His dad passed away in the Boston Marathon bombings if you hadn't heard.

I thought he got killed at the JFK inauguration...

You're both wrong, it was a 311 concert

Yes, and it was very serious, you shouldn't joke about it

I keep getting Pete Dominick & Pete Davidson confused, When sam was talking about his dumb flat tire story i kept thinking Pete Davidson knows how to change a tire? That skinny creep doesn't have a dad he's more of a man than Sam. But nah it was a different hack comedian.

I used to think they were saying Pat Fumynaki and assumed Pat was Japanese American.

He's struggling through his marijuana withdrawals, getting the spins like a mother fucker. One day at a time, friend.

I bet he made his kids only order water then orders that fucking thing rubbing it in their faces as their mom takes a picture of how happy he is for a drink like a child.

Any kid who doesn't want water is a faggot

I bet you're the type of guy who rails on juice and pop for being unhealthy but suffers a black tar whiskey shit every night.

Lol he probably doesn't give his kids whiskey either

Pop is shit, fuck you

The man is a walking caricature of a child molester.

What does Anthony have to do with this?

I should be shot.

Holy fuck is this depressing. Kids can't hide the truth hahahaha

Bill cosby used to have a show about that!

I like that fish bowl full of smurf cum drink geared toward sorority girls. What a badass.

That daughter is going to start telling boys she meets that her dad is dead.

If he causes them to lose their home because he's fucking around on the radio she may be offering them sex to murder her stepfather.

Well...I hope she gets a little bit more older before she starts offering sex in exchange for her fathers death.

Desperate times call for desperate measures.

Why u stealin' ma flair, nigga?

I feel like maybe I shouldn't browse this subreddit during office meetings anymore.

If only!

Can't wait for her to tell me.


I feel weird perusing a sub with so many actual pedophiles


my dads ded

Ya kiddin'!


Imagine if you stepfather was a 40 year old who dressed like that. Then imagine he's neglecting the family business which could drive you into poverty because he wants to pretend he's a radio jock every day for gas money.

dead eyes

He's not even being that outrageous in the picture. His kids are just embarrassed to be around him.

Bill Cosby used to have a show along those lines

his wife's nose must be gargantuan.

Oh man. He's got a zany hat on again.

is that a Gucci handbag?

I dated a girl that liked those things, but I've never seen a man with one

Louis Vuitton

Definitely isn't real. That wear and tear around the edges is a tell tale sign of low quality genuine leather. Plus based on the texture and sheen it looks like the bootlegger used a fake Saffiano looking leather which is fucking stupid since Saffiano is a Prada exclusive material.

I promise I don't suck dick.

I promise I don't suck dick.

If you do suck dick we won't hold it against you. We're all family here. Now be a good guy and help your family out.

Holy fuck....this post title & pic is too real.

"Please daddy stop eating, we are worried about you (A tear rolls down her eye)".

His hand looks like a thalidomide flipper in this pic lol

Wish I could read the funny expression on his t-shirt.

"I Love Blowing"

I hope the kids know that Patricia is a thing. And there's no death penalty in New York. Or I suppose they can wait until he dies of a massive case of acute faggotry.


Tss why not a Vos-ied or sumpthin

This guy got to reproduce. Just think about that. He got to create new humans that are half him. Jesus

The remainder of the restaurant is only populated by geriatrics.

I had a sliver of hope that Opie's solo show would be just good enough to fill the gap in live shows that time of day, but this douche is insufferable.

It's hard to believe that the Stangels have been off the show for a year now. This iteration of Opie's reinvention seems miles under the surface of the shit pile that it was even a year ago.

But management loves the new direction


"Smile for the camera kids! Unless you want to get my hot tamale in your burrito hole."

Child raping illegal.

C'mon, dude. It's too late to get us to like the guy.

The kids are embarrassed.

My mom has that Louis Vitton lady's wallet. I wonder which kid is more embarrassed by dad using one? Not to mention the same faggity ass drink that boss Tits likes to chug when vacationing with the Philly Crew.

Nice hat, douchebag.

I don't even hate the Cuban and this is funny.

He has a gap in his teeth, his eyes have that glazed over Hispanic wifebeating look. Man tits. All around poor showing.

Alcoholism can be fun

He added the pineapples and gummy worms himself

He brought them with him from home

Daughters..........gunna be....a looker.

stepson........already is

I wonder how hard is it to clean the cum off of that beard. Especially if it gets in contact with water.

Pretty sure he kidnapped those kids

I've only heard like 5 minutes on opie show of him from youtubes posted here, yet my desire to slam his face at full strength with a wooden baseball bat is profound and all encompassing

He's a walking meme.

Who is this? Is this supposed to be someone famous?

Louis Vuitton


I feel weird perusing a sub with so many actual pedophiles

I bet you're the type of guy who rails on juice and pop for being unhealthy but suffers a black tar whiskey shit every night.
