Joe Rogan just confirmed on his podcast that Problematic with Moshe Kashers cancelled

103  2017-06-27 by SugarInMyMeatPi



Please PLEASE tell me this is true and not a joke. Or don't. I'm hammered.

Dont worry. There will be someone in the media who will explain that its due to right wing trolls and not the fact that no one but babyless writers and emasculated enjoys 2 white guys rapping about cultural appropriation

Watch this and try not to punch your screen

613 up votes... 15k downvotes...

500 were probably employees, 100 were feminists who spend hours on youtube waiting to upvote/downvote. And 13 didnt like the lighting.

She was kind of laughing at herself at first, but the rap video is just the fucking worst.

they obviously threw their campaign on purpose, the whole thing is rigged. Hillary did everything in her power to lose. And they're called likes and dislikes.

No, on youtube their upvotes and downvotes. Either way, you're a pedantic sack of shit.

Just shut up.

The forced rapping about cultural apropriation felt like something a church's performance group would do.

Please God let this be true. Don't be a trick pulled by (((those people)))

Rogan mentioned it in a podcast live today while talking to Chris D'elia. He said it twice, then tried to back track so that he could play it off as a mistake. He also mentioned This Is Not Happening being cancelled. Which I'm pretty sure Ari already confirmed. Rogans kind of a head figure for the LA comedy scene, so if anyone would be on the know about that sort of shit it would be him.

Ari didn't confirm shit, just that he wasn't hosting it anymore. Roy Jones or some other black-sounding dude took it over.

Sri pissed off the tribe and went to Netflix. Bye, bye dickhead.

Joe "King of All Media" Rogan

Niggas got a small ass thrown yo.

The fact that he convinced 8-12 dipshits in a room that that piece of shit might work is absolutely astonishing. Comedy Central is really a pile of shit. The only good shows that they didn't cancel is South Park and Workaholics. They have axed Tough Crowd, Insomniac, Sports Show, Pretend Time, Strangers With Candy, Reno 911 and Showbiz Show. Those were all at least able to get a chuckle out of people. Right now they are entering season way too many of Tosh.0 (America's Funniest Home Videos for Homosexuals) and pretending people still watch The Daily Show. Those retards are just throwing shit a the wall and aren't smart enough to understand what sticks.

only reason this got on air was because Natasha blows all of the execs

Must be pretty good if it overcame the repulsion gay men get from titties n cooters

blowjobs a blowjob, no matter the mouth

damn can i be an exec

They fucking cancelled Reno 911?? I thought the show just ended.

They ended it with a movie.

Yeah, but they still cancelled it in August of 2009.

Yeah, the last season they added Joe Latruglia and some fat guy and it was really, really bad.

They're awful at promoting stuff too, they just kind of hope the internet will do it while also making it a pain in the ass to watch their content on the internet. Nathan For You somehow succeeded despite them, I didn't hear a single fucking thing about that show until Season 2 started and it's hilarious.

Nathan for you was the funniest show on television and they didn't push it at all

The only one of those thats understandable is "insomniac" because they just plain tan out of cities to go to. They extended it with overseas cities but thats heavy on the budget

I loved insomniac. Attell made the most mundane shit hilarious.

I have pavlovian conditioning to the title theme still.

Fuck you, they should have given Dave a billion dollars to do whatever he wanted.

I dont disagree.

Hey buddy, he said fuck you.

They gave him The Gong Show for fuck sakes. I'm not sure who the like was that Dave pissed off, but shit. I don't understand how a talented and good guy by all accounts has been Damn near relegated to the dustbin of comedy.

you can't film crowdwork. He might as well be the worlds greatest mime.

surprisingly even in the internet age, these amazing improv guys can't find work.

Conan is fucking amazing off the cuff, but wants to do a late night show when he should have just had cameras following him do crazy shit the last decade once he got kicked from the tonight show.

same with Dave, just film every stop, its a comedy club for fucks sake, half the people are blackout drunk, they won't notice some hidden cameras.

That would be great if his passion project wasn't a show about old porn that nobody gave a shit about.

I actually think Tosh is really funny even though his episodes become badly dated in only a few years time

yeah i'm gay too

Yeah I'll forever defend Tosh.0, I know its lowest common denominator comedy for retards, but Tosh still makes me laugh because I like his "Yeah, I'm asshole who makes PRRRROOBBBLEMMMATICCC jokes, deal with it ya PC faggots" schtick. Not the best comedy in the world but I'm just glad CC still has something that isn't targeted at woke millennial hipster cunts like everything else on that network these days.

I will watch it if only for Todd Glass' Horrible Prank Show.

There are so many back room deals going on. As long as your show fits the narrative, there's plenty of money to be had.

I used to work for a big corporate supporter of the DNC, and they would regularly send out emails encouraging us to donate. There was a 'wink wink / nudge nudge' attitude that being on the wrong team wasn't going to be good for your career.

One of my teammates went full retard and even met Hillary Clinton in person. Then made sure everyone knew.

This makes sense to me. Also sits right in line with the big media corps wikileaks docs about creating narratives that help fulfill specific agendas. I'd guess one goal is to find/ create/ push a li modern lib/sjw type comedian to try to make it cool to be anti free speech or pro censorship among other things. Pretty sick shit

I love a good conspiracy, but I largely think it's because:

1) the men and women that run these companies are EXTREMELY liberal

2) you have to be a bit of an asshole to rise to the top

I could be wrong, but I don't see a grand conspiracy here. Just rich dicks imposing their political opinions on everyone else.

Here's my favorite example of this:

I got hired by a dude that couldn't shut up about Trump. He absolutely hated him. I was a (quiet) supporter of Trump. My coworker told me to keep it to myself. I thought he was joking, until my boss walked me into HR and told me that "my position had been eliminated."

Was I sacked because I supported Trump? I dunno, but my boss was the total Rich Dick type. I could see him laughing about this one with his buddies, that he sacked someone for supporting Trump. My boss was the definition of Rich Dick, always bragging about flying first class and spending the better part of the work day on eBay looking at yachts. (No, I'm not joking.)

That pretty much is it I'd think. They certainly do collude with one another though

haha! It just occurred to me that wikileaks could be an INCREDIBLE source of leads. The email addresses of hundreds of SoCal executives, ripe for the picking. I know salespeople that would kill for that.

I was a (quiet) supporter of Trump.

That's why you don't believe in the grand conspiracy. You're just a pawn only from the other direction.

That sounds like a Marilyn Manson lyric

I'm old school. I'm still mad they cancelled Viva Variety.

I'm so old school I remember when that channel still played Absolutely Fabulous all the time, which sucked as bad as the shit they show now.

damn, u are old school i remember VV. wish they aired reruns of strangers with candy again..

I remember watching when it was the Comedy Channel with Short Attention Span Theater.

Also I loved the Daily Show better when Craig Kilborn was on it.

I'm still lamenting the untimely cancellations of Frank Leaves for the Orient and Lets Bowl! #DeepCuts

And 'The Sweet Spot' with Bill Murray and his brothers playing golf. I could go on. Like now, I had no life in the early 2000's.

Wow, even I forgot about that turd of a show. Looking back Comedy Centrals always been 90% garbage with only one or two actual good shows at a time. But at least they cancelled all their shittiest shows in the past and they were quickly forgotten, these days that kind of shit are their biggest shows. Broad City and Detrioters would've been cancelled as quickly as something like "The Chris Wylde Show" (remember this piece of crap? CC was trying to promote this fag like he was gonna be the next hot thing in late night) if this were 2002.

Christ, this brings back memories. CC was always good for throwing SNL reruns from 86-95 during the early 2000s, and The Kids in the Hall.

Remember "The Graham Norton Effect"? Yuck.

Also, Drawn Together.


It was no "Shorties Watchin' Shorties"

Where are you on "I'm with Busey"?

Daily Show is the worst! Liberal drivel about America from a non-American.

Thanks for breaking it down for us.

You forgot MST3K, which pretty much build the fucking network.

I never knew I cared about finger nails until I looked at that lady's disgusting little nail nubs.

Tsss that thumbnail ain't got no fucking thumbnails dvv dvv

format yuma

When a person has nails like that, I hate everything about them.

They're so tiny...

They look like little fat people.

I cant stop going back to look at those. They look like a baby's pinky toenail

I like how progressives like the writer of this....this...article think of entertainment in terms of social weaponry.

"Obviously the "Opie and Anthony" Crowd Hates Problematic with Moshe Kasher "And other reasons Comedy Central should renew it."

Apparently this show is a devastating cruise missile and he has no problem with the enormous collateral damage this did to the poor viewers

I'm sure the investors with multi-million dollar stakes in Viacom would be pleased in a company renewing a show just to spite an unknown, irrelevant subreddit.

irrelevant subreddit

We've unmasked the perpetrator of at least 15 different terrorist attacks.

It was all the same guy.

Viacom executives are just trying to not get shit canned.

You don't remember little boy Graham Techler?

Faot, I hardly knew ye.

We're gonna be movie stahs!

Tough Crowd it was not

Moshe Kasher wrote a memoir when he was 30. Let that sink in.

Who the fuck writes a memoir at 30? A pompous, hipster asshole - that's who.

Also: graduates of the 'Jim Morton school of teenage substance addiction.'.

I read this guys book.

It was painful.

Sold us

Hilarious memoir about a poor Jewish kid growing up wild in the ghetto

What it was

Boring middle class jew skips some classes and smokes some weed and some of his friends even sold weed and committed vandalism

"It's a miracle I made it out of the hood alive yo, and everyday I fight the grip of weed addiction"

"I was raised by my parents but later grew up on the streets!"

You forgot the deaf parents

I think Obama had 2 by then.

yeah but he was grown in a lab with the dna of like 15 different people. moshe kasher did all his homework and made up a fake childhood substance addiction. no jew has lead an interesting life since the 1940's

Serpentor ass nigga.

Winston Churchill

also a kike.

That may be the most hipster thing of all time. An annoying effeminate man who has accomplished nothing of note who believes he's seen it all. I don't know who would buy this book.

well, also a kike.

His memoir sounds like a pack of lies to me - it's far too dramatic to be true.

What about the time he drove through a donut shop window? That was nuts!

How funny and interesting! But I would expect no less from someone who was supposedly in psychoanalysis from the age of FOUR according to his make-believe memoir. In and out of mental institutions, jail, rehab, and all before the age of 16. Opie's mafia story is more believable.

Just because you haven't lived...

Wait is that in his book? That's a Tucker Max story from 15 years ago

That Tucker Max reference flew right over my head. Derp.

Motherfucker are you twelve? Dont EVER say derp in this forum board or i will fucking SWIRLY you.

I'll steal your POGs, bitch

Gotta civilian's feelings hurtin today :-(

Fam if not saying derp is normie ur like at least 3 years late. 9gag fag. Im done now.

You calling me a civilian is pissing me off more than it should cause i NEVER GET MAD.

Who the fuck writes a memoir at 30?

Him and Tucker Max. Both are liars.

Jim Norton's Kiss of Death strikes again.

The show is dog shit, but Kasher is good. He just made a dogshit show. It happens. John Mulaney for example

Kasher stinks and is embarrassing.

Whats your favorite joke by him?

His haircut and general appearance. Nigga ain't a millennial. He's Damn near 40.

I don't know his stand up, but I barely know anyone's anymore... but he is pretty funny on other peoples' podcasts at times. On his second Pete Holmes appearance, he does an extended riff/impersonation of Stephen Hawking cast as a racist, which was pretty dam funny. Also in that same one, he makes Jew jokes a plenty that are pretty funny. And 'The Champs' the podcast he did with Neal Brennan was pretty good because he would call out Neal's douchiness.

But he was obviously willing to go along with this sort of SJW friendly show that was doomed to fail, yes, and has a douchey I got sober at 15 backstory and the aforementioned autobiography of a person no one cares about. Not saying you all don't have a point.

He annoys me plenty too, but I dunno, I just feel like Comedy Central is just as much to blame or more as him. Maybe given the opportunity he would have done a sillier more edgy kinda show, but they just seem hell bent on shoehorning anyone in they can to be a PC-lefty talking head. Maybe he didnt love it either.

I only post on this subreddit so that a faggot (((journalist))) will include a post of mine as a quote in their gay articles about this place. Buncha Jewey Kikeburgers.

Well, color me shocked. Im starting to think the money for these fucking abortions is part of a money laundering operation and are not meant to be long term and successful.

why is it that 35-55 OnA listeners are more savvy and aware of the culture than the 18-29 crowd who listen to cum town? i mention this cause Nick wrote for this show. those nerds should come to this sub to get a solid dose of how the silent majority really feels about them

They hired Nick to give the "problematic" perspective.

I love Cum Town, and to be fair, you'd have to be a retard to say no to CC money. I don't begrudge people that.

I love retards.

It's honestly retarded how much it seems like the majority of people here despise Moshe based on his last appearance on JRE. The anti-SJW's are just as easily 'triggered' as the SJW's at this point. The guy is simply willing to discuss SJW ideas from a philosophical point of you, to play devil's advocate as you will, and all the fucking mongoloids here were acting like he was the fucking mixed race trans bastard child of Deray and Lena Dunham.

To be fair, I haven't watched his show (I don't even get comedy central anymore since I cut cable), so it could very well be the steaming pile of shit I've been told it is. But there is absolutely no way that it was the Bill Nye level, ultra left wing, pissy pants SJW propaganda it's been made out to be.

Moshe just likes having these discussions, and that's what he wanted the show to be about. He's certainly a democrat/liberal/whatever, but he probably came off wayyyyy more radical left wing male feministy than usual on JRE. If you listen to other podcasts he's been on it's clear that he is far more interested in discussing the SJW perspective philosophically than he is in advocating it. He's perfectly willing to say that the day without white people is stupid bullshit, or that the idea of re-defining racism so that it's only possible if you're in a position of power is silly and unhelpful, but he just gets a kick out of exploring why people

And he's always been more than willing to make some seriously offensive jokes. The first time he went on Bert's podcast he spent the first 10 minutes commenting Bert's Richard Pryor "Bicentennial Nigger" album, pronouncing it full hard R to fuck with Bert and make him uncomfortable, and it was hilarious. Probably the best and most famous bit in the history of Pete Holme's podcast is Moshe doing a racist Stephen Hawking impression. And for his show Problematic that ended up sucking, he personally hired Nick Mullen, the host of the podcast Cum Town, as a writer on the show.

The show probably ended up sucking ass, but Moshe is funny and cool and not an SJW pussy at all really. Everyone who thinks he sucks based on Problematic and his last Rogan appearance should look at some other shit he's done.

Video linked by /u/PatrickBateman87:

Title Channel Published Duration Likes Total Views
Cum Town - Chinese Jews hi bro 2017-02-11 0:03:58 126+ (94%) 14,684

$quote Cum town is available on iTunes, stitcher, podbay, and...

Info | /u/PatrickBateman87 can delete | v1.1.3b

Shut up nigger

Did you read any of my comment or just the first like 2 sentences like a nigger and assume I'm an SJW who will be offended by u saying nigger?

I couldn't get past the first two sentences.


That doesn't mean much coming from a guy who knows the "history of the Pete Holmes podcast."

Since you want real answers:

-never saw Moshe Kasher on JRE. I don't listen to JRE. Kasher is unfunny and preachy and he stinks.

-You should watch the show. It was indeed as cringe-inducing as Bill Nye. The first episode had him rapping about how bad cultural appropriation is with as bland a perspective as possible.

-Don't care if Kasher is "SJW" or not. I'm far left politically and Kasher is atrocious.

-Off topic, but it must be said: he is extremely ugly.

-also jew.

Does he give you hand jobs or something? He is a faggot, just rejoice.

people born in 87 or later are retarded. they liked power rangers and pokemon, then continued to like them into their late 20s. also, james holmes was an 87, nuff said.

You listen to a stream of faggoty podcasts

This is tragic. I guess Moshe will have to return to his rough life on the streets.

Good. Fuck minorities.

A show about SJW horseshit couldn't get ratings and was cancelled? What a shocker!

Damn yet another preachy liberal show has been cancelled? Whatever shall we do? Who will point out the evil of white people and explain to us about this privilege we have and how we should feel guilt for everything under the sun.

Now if only Comedy Central would replace Trevor Noah.

80,000 viewers.... I told this UN mid-season, what's going to happen. One of the more obvious things.

Probably the source:

I head Moshe Kasher's show got cancelled. Right? Jamie, can you pull that up?

Yeah I don't know, that's what it sounded like

Ha ha ha.


only reason this got on air was because Natasha blows all of the execs

They fucking cancelled Reno 911?? I thought the show just ended.

They're awful at promoting stuff too, they just kind of hope the internet will do it while also making it a pain in the ass to watch their content on the internet. Nathan For You somehow succeeded despite them, I didn't hear a single fucking thing about that show until Season 2 started and it's hilarious.

The only one of those thats understandable is "insomniac" because they just plain tan out of cities to go to. They extended it with overseas cities but thats heavy on the budget

I actually think Tosh is really funny even though his episodes become badly dated in only a few years time

There are so many back room deals going on. As long as your show fits the narrative, there's plenty of money to be had.

I used to work for a big corporate supporter of the DNC, and they would regularly send out emails encouraging us to donate. There was a 'wink wink / nudge nudge' attitude that being on the wrong team wasn't going to be good for your career.

One of my teammates went full retard and even met Hillary Clinton in person. Then made sure everyone knew.

I'm old school. I'm still mad they cancelled Viva Variety.

Daily Show is the worst! Liberal drivel about America from a non-American.

You forgot MST3K, which pretty much build the fucking network.