Trailblazers of radio

33  2017-06-27 by TonyFromLongIsland


Please tell me that took less than 2 minutes.

As the guy who made it, I can tell you it took me a few hours.

If you sent it to opie there's a 100% chance he would retweet it, maybe even use it for something. So, well done I guess?

Thank you.

It would be funny if we sent him photoshops he didn't get were really mocking him regularly. It would prove whether he visits the sub or not if he retweeted it.

Or hide shit in them like /r/offensivewallpapers

Thanks for your service

How did they all end up with Beatles hair?

The rocks under Vic Henley's frightening teeth have more personality than any of these fags. I do like how the photoshop gave them all that Mark Davis down's syndrome haircut though.

Vic just looks like another Opie here.

Why do they all have bowl cuts?

well fitting, as at least 2 of them are dumb as a rock