Did you know Bert likes to drink?

6  2017-06-27 by coach_styles

How fucking cool is that?


I like it because it fills the worm with resent

I don't think Bert likes to drink... I think HE LOVES IT!

Alcohol or gravy?

Dude, this guy is like, totally out of his mind!!

I saw him at skankfest.

There I am, jerking off my bro, and all of the sudden, this maniac jumps on stage. Shirtless, mind you. Wearing flip flops and a sideways baseball cap!

It was insane. Then he told a hysterical story about how he murdered and buried some dudes with a couple of crazy Russians in Kiev, and then...get this... he shotgunned a fucking beer!!!

I can't believe we get the privilege to live in an age where Lords (no better way to describe a gentleman such as Sir Bert) are able to break ground in comedy in front of REAL fans!!

PS Zac Amico drank Ari Shafirs diarrhea! IT WAS IN-SANE!!

Zac Amico has more comedic integrity than Bert and he is a bisexual that wears costumes to roasts and frequently drinks body fluids on stage whilst having spiky pink hair. These two faggots are the biggest, no-talent novelty act asswipes in the history of comedy.

This guy gets it; he's a real fan of comedy

I don't like fat people

Who Bert? you know he worked for the Russian Mafia while he was in college? He also fought a bear. He is also a loving family man who just loves having fun. I hope his face is ripped off by a baboon.