Burt sure is fast at getting a shirt off

2  2017-06-27 by Dennyislife


Jimmy your sitting like Opie now

I want to brand him like the fat bovine dullard he is.

I guess he figures that'll get him some laughs on a fucking radio show.

Here's the Urban Dictionary definition of shirt lifter :

British urban slang for a male homosexual who lifts his shirt to enable sexual access to another of the same sex anal intercourse.

Oy! He looks to be a bit of a shirt-lifter to me mate!

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I can't wait for that flesh zeppelin to crash and burn.

God forbid someone else be the center of attention for a few seconds.

That fag Bert runs out of the room like such a turd. stop dude.

"They will all laugh even harder when I return to the studio with my shirt off" - Burt's mush brain