Bobo has a message for the haters.

10  2017-06-27 by RBuddCumia


That tard sure has a way with words

He has a heart of gold and the brain of an otter

How about you just post pictures of overdue bills and eviction notices and stop going to Mets games retard.

How about you get a low skilled job and help mom out with the bills, Bobo

His blood pressure must be high

He's the winning trifecta of entitled, angry and retarded. This kid's going places (Citi Field).

Bobo is a retard.

Video linked by /u/eastriverdriveII:

Title Channel Published Duration Likes Total Views
Falling Down (bum begging for money) brian15243 2006-09-19 0:02:52 1,156+ (97%) 446,299

$quote This homeless guy just wont stop asking for money.

Info | /u/eastriverdriveII can delete | v1.1.3b

Oh fuck off. What is the point of all these fucking bots?

He's always had his hand out even when his mom wasn't "injured". Guhhh give me free things guh.

How about saving money by not going to mets games for 2 months instead of looking for a handout boabs

The mets are 12 games out of the wild card right now and the rest of the season looks hopeless there's no point in going to games even for someone not with his financial situation

Has he thanked the people who did give to him?

Is he seriously accepting charity, ignoring those who gave, and complaining that it's not enough?

Fuck this retard.

Why he was a fan even a fan of the show in the first place I never heard him laugh at a single thing they said. Jim would have a line that had the rest of them almost in tears and bobo was either dead silent or just continued rambling and trampling on everyone

I'm a loser getting help from my family but the big difference is I spend that money on bus fare and groceries. Not on sports tickets. Fuck this piece of shit.

How much is Ant paying you these days, Joe?

I love how he lashes out at everyone who follows him & guilt trips them with the (bullshit) story of his Mom pawning jewelry from her dead husband......

Because the equally retarded people who already donated gave all they can....and he only brought in $65 in last 2 weeks.....

His arrogance and feeble-minded attempt at guilting ppl into donating to his mom's supposed Hospital bills - it is fucking astounding. Even for a legitimate dullard like him.

There is no doubt this retard is pocketing money now. He really should get taken down.

This retard can easily get a job via social services