I'm Jim Norton's AA sponser. AMA

2  2017-06-27 by Steamer1000


Is this your first time sponsoring a non alcoholic?

No I also sponsor ant.

are you deepdiscount guy?

Even I'm not that big of a pile of shit.

Why didn't you tell him to go live his life, then come back at 25 because the notion of a 17 year old child being an alcoholic is absurd.

You didn't know him man he was in bad shape.

You suck his cock?

We go back and forth.

Do you call him "Toast"?

Not anymore. I'm afraid rembering that nickname too often will cause a relapse.

Does he call you in a feverish panic every time he so much as sees a dessert with nominal alcoholic content?

Last Christmas someone gave him those little chocolate bottles with 0.1oz of alcohol in them and I had to come throw them out for him.

Does he bite like Anthony?

What's it like being addicted to cum?