How do you guys save data on mobile

0  2017-06-27 by axeheadroad



Not hard enough, obviously. Don't give up, champ. I still believe you can do it if you just keep trying!!!

Im good man, I was just hoping to get the edgy clowns to ignore my post.

Soak your phone in Kratom

Don't do that anymore. How do you know it's not worse on the other side?

I wasn't serious, just thought I'd get the calls to kill myself out of the way for asking a serious question on this sub. Have a good one.

Well that's good, part of me wanted to say "do it" as a joke but I don't need that shit on my conscience. I get the feeling people around here are not the most mentally stable.

Seems like there's a lot of addicts here also.

Yes and perverts .