It's the Rich Vos roast tonight. Will Opie and Anthony finally meet?

22  2017-06-26 by Ant_Sucks




I could see Opie posting one of his faggy selfies with Anth on Instagram.

Opie does not avoid Ant anymore. He has moved on to being butt hurt by Jim and Sam, so if either of them have the slightest chance of being there, he won't go.

Jim nortons name is first on the dais

And there is our answer.

I got kids! I cant go! Sniff

You don't understaaaaaand. It's just different now. You think I don't wanna go to these things? Truuust me, I'd rather be hanging out at a comedy club every fuuuukin night if I could. I used to party in the old days like nobody's fuuukin business. I got stories you can't even believe from when me and Ant used to hit the town in Boston. We were fuuukin rock stars up there. It was nuts. But I got kids now and I just can't do it. You'll see. You'll see when you have kids of your own. Sniff.


He avoids all of them. Tries real hard to give the impression he's doing more successful than all those guys (which to be fair, isn't saying much).

Was Ant gone this day? I never really knew what happened there. Too grossed out by it to bother finding out.

He came in before Ant showed up, presumably to meet with the brain trust that is Keith The Cop.

It will mostly be industry people.

Civilians are welcome as long as they keep to themselves.

You mean other comics & d-list raqio has-beens?

It really seems like they are avoiding contact so that the inevitable reunion has more hype. They're both circling the drain at this point. Opie is done in the Fall and Ant is done once Gavin leaves.

No doubt they both think a reunion is their ace in the hole. Too bad no one cares.

Vos is doing Jim and Sam in the morning. I hope they have clips

I hope they empty those clips into each other

love the urban humor

Hey. They're called magazines, not clips.

How many times is one person going to get roasted ? ....vos your a hack ...vos your a hack Vos you can't talk proper ..rinse repeat

It's more of a circle jerk. They'll all roast each other too.

Jesus, couldn't they get anyone better than Annie Lederman and Judy Gold.

Pretty obvious they're just there to make jew jokes, so the question should be couldn't they find better jews.

We were right down the fawkin street man I should have texted you aw next time dude we'll get a beer

'100 seats for 'industry' and comedians'! I love Vos, but the reason he has never made it because he is dumb. Instead of filling Carolines with genuine fans and creating an organic buzz, he is bringing in low level industry to act like they have power.

Bennie is supposed to have organised it and they are filming etc. I starting to think she is as dumb as him

All this being said, Vos deserves a good night. He has given me many a laugh

Bonnie is supposed to have organised it and they are filming etc. I'm starting to think she is as dumb as him

She is. Have you ever heard her talk about politics?

She's a Canadian hick. She literally grew up sleeping in a cold, rodent infested cellar with all her retarded sisters.

He said they only sold 100 tickets bc the rest was for comics and industry. Jimmy turned that into 100 tickets saved for industry people. Unless Jim knows the room holds 200.

Norton will be outside scalping tickets,as usual.

Opster is on vacation this week with Bams bobble head children. so he won't be at the roast. Ant got a face lift and had thumbtacks thrown at his face so he going.

He is on vacation again? He's so fucking worthless.

Remember when he would bash Howard for that shit. Hope the next fish he catches is cancer.

Luis J. Gomez AND May Oakerson? How'd they get those two?!

Rich Vos is a living legend, he's been packing out Bananas, Chucklehuts, and Funny Bone's for 50 years.

They were short valets for the parking.

wtf happened to Keith? Did he decide he couldn't top his appearance at Patrice's roast and drop out?

No chance Opie goes cause Jim will be there, and Opie is a fag bitch woman who is too scared to see him again.

At least Vos knows to hire someone with graphic design skills, unlike Anthony's MSPaint abominations.

Ant, Jim & Sam are going to be there, so no.

wish i could have gone. hope a video comes out. shit id pay for that

Vos without a shirt belongs on r/cumsluts

Man, Opie really is one of those guys who's not happy unless he's feuding with somebody over some stupid trivial horseshit.