At Skanfest Zac Amico stapled dollar bills to his forehead, put his dick in a rat trap, and got piss thrown on him by Ari

12  2017-06-26 by JMueller2012


Zac Amico is so ugly that he became a bisexual because out of necessity. With a face like that you have to take any hole you can.

shock comedy is hack

Good for him? If you're going to do this stuntboy stuff, at least get paid. Don't be ESD.

Imagine if people actually cared or knew who any of these people are...

He was amazing. I don't believe he let someone throw his urine at him. Zac is top of the food chain.

He sure is...

Why? That doesn't sound remotely funny or interesting.

That nigga took an L by playing the part of Pat Duffy.

Now he's going to have an infection in his forehead and blood in his urine.

So. Edgy.

Sorry I missed it?


Yep, that about sums it up.


How is skankfest actually profitable? How can you only sell 500 tickets but have 100+ acts perform.

Also, looking forward to shitty live versions of all my favorite podcasts in the coming weeks.

maybe they are trying to build it into something profitable. is this first skunfest? if so if they are 0 on profits - thats fine as long as it grows.

and they can always throw it on GaS network as a bonus or even youtube for clicks/views/money or however that shit works.


How do you say 'the machine' in Russian?

500 tickets à $80 = $40.000

Two day budget of 40.000 can get some things done.

$40 isn't very much tss

Damn 40,000

You're right. All the people at the festival probably just drank water all weekend. No alcohol was consumed by patrons

Sweet clevage.

Sweet cleavage.

How the fuck did they get Jim Gaffigan to be on this show? He must've fired his booking agent right after.

All kidding aside, it's nice that Game Stop let this obese bag of meat have the night off for his comedy recital.

He might as well start working deathmatches.

Hacky shock jock shit. Did Opie coordinate all this?

thats some 1997 ona bit

Still an open-miler

This is so pathetic I actually feel pity for Zac Amico. Anybody with no sense of shame could do those things; there isn't a lower bar than this in comedy. Amy Schumer at least tries to come up with/steal jokes to make people laugh.

So Zac has become a prep comic?

I can't wait until Luis get fat again.

That isn't respectable or funny.