Jimmy confirmed that Chip is in fact a parody of Opie

8  2017-06-26 by KillaKuhn

During the newest Chip Chipperson Podacast, Jimmy most definitely gave us the closest to a confirmation that Chip is in fact a parody of Opie. At 48:00mins, Bobby suggests that Spuds (Opie's old character name) is better than Chip and Chip says, "trust me it ain't, or maybe it's the same." The look he gives was very telling in my opinion. I think this is the best hint at the theory being true we've ever got. Anybody else catch this??? Thoughts???



More importantly. How important is the screwdriver when you are threatening your girlfriend's life?

Was it a flat head or a Phillips? Comment

I've stepped it up to pneumatic drills

Actually, you stepped it up to SUVs.

every week, someone posts about how chip is opie. We all know chip is opie. We figured that out a loooooong time ago . "Let it go"

Yep and Jimmy can be passive aggressive all he wants it won't be interesting until he says it directly to Opie and Opie cries.

Are you suggesting that we "leave it alone?"

Can we get this to a body language expert? Or a speech pathologist to confirm?

Well the problem with that is that the only "body language expert" that I know of is Opie himself

He studies people.

Since he was 18, don't forget.

These 'body language experts' on TV are bigger quacks than chiropractors. It's a cottage industry based entirely on bullshit, about as credible as phrenology or gold alchemy.


phrenology is for real, my head bumps gave me autism


Do you want to go there? I'm serious, do you really want to go there? I'm telling you....I'm telling you, you don't want to go there...sniff

Jimmy confirmed that Chip is in fact a parody of Opie

Jimmy most definitely gave us the closest to a confirmation that Chip is in fact a parody of Opie.

Pick one faggot.

Gobble my nob

Only if you put on a dress first.

Way ahead of you sweetie

Well then according to Jimmy, Ant, and Rocky Horror Picture Show it's not gay.