Fat fucking cunt

23  2017-06-25 by TonyFromLongIsland


Certainly this is of little value reddit!

Daughter is a fat cunt too. I would make sure to call her little fatty oink oink in front of all of her school mates so the nick name sticks.

only in those pictures. it's a mirage.

"self-help author and body positive parenting blogger"

Thats a whole lot of fancy words for bored homemaker

If she were as body positive as she's claiming, she wouldn't be inventing semantic arguments to explain her body.

Sooner or later the kid will learn the word "obese"*, and that talk will be for nothing.

* Also "porky", "diabetic", "amputated" and "deceased".

In a perfect world, when she got done with that long winded explanation her husband would have said something like, "Yep. But when I married mommy I didn't realize how much she was going to protect her muscles and bones. She's so protected that I don't love her anymore and you won't be getting any more brothers and sisters because of it." Then he would quietly go to his room and pack a bag never to return again.

If it was a perfect world, that story would have ended with a harpoon.

Or a patton cocktail. Adjusting for her weight he would need to go to all of the dealers in town.

her life style will kill her and her fat little cunt of a daughter

Little girl is gonna grow up hilarious with that vapid cow as her opponent.

The next Amy

She's got some fat fawwkin tits

It's too bad the rest is such a mess, those boobs ARE nice:


She's fat, very fat

so much fat = so much energy, yet still so much fat.

Looks like the candy apple didn't fall far from the tree.

She still has a better body than Schumer though.

The truth is, she is not a fat fucking cunt. No one IS a fat fucking cunt. It’s not something you can BE.

But she does HAVE a fat fucking cunt.

Mommy will eat you if she's hungry, fa la la la

Who's the bitch on the left, though

"No one is fat" says the female version or randy from trailer park boys.

“The truth is, I am not fat. No one IS fat,” the mum explained to her daughter. “Except Amy Schumer. That bitch is enormous."

As someone else pointed out: if you're more than 50% body fat technically you are fat.

I'd tap dat. Tsss