Are other comics not doing comedy a diservice by not calling out Sherrod for his awfulness?

7  2017-06-25 by Lilcumia

He's the ultimate hack. Ask Doug Stanhope.


Apparently he can assault and throw another comic against the wall and they will take his side.

That comic had been challenging Sherrod for the Opie bitch boy position so it was no surprise.

After watching that Men vs. Food show with Bobby Kelly and Sherrod yesterday I almost took my own life. Although, I refuse to have it be anything but a murder/suicide situation where 'i wipe that nigger off the planet first.

They all want to be in the next Chris Rock flop.

If Sherrod stopped breathing today no one would care. Tits would find another black guy to fake laugh at nothing and it would be business as usual. So to answer your question no one cares enough about his existence to waste energy calling him out.