Thats right you haters ruined it



So people ruined it by not voluntarily donating money because the story sounds off? That's gonna change people's minds.

That's what he is saying lol Bobo is not happy tard right about now

He'll cheer right the fuck up once he gets some more Mets tickets.

Or the next Compound invitation.

But how is he going to get more Mets tickets if people won't donate?

Give 'til it hurts, owlrite

what happened now ?

His donations have peaked so I guess the all star game trip is off

Are you happy now, you monster?


He's loyin

Can we report him to Gofundme? There's more than enough evidence that he's scamming. Would Gofundme tolerate this shit?

I'm on it.

Do you do anything else though?

dm when u have an update


Poor Bobo. He's too illiterate to scribe his anger properly.

I don't understand, did people leave bad comments or something? lets not cause someone to die.

No he's mad his donations have peaked

Ant, Jim and Opie have a combined net worth of over 30 million, I drive a 2008 Dodge Ram, fuck you and your worthless friends, Bobo.

They won't give this idiot a dime

I don't blame them, honestly. The one admiral thing about Opie is that he pays no attention to this needy, begging retard.

Even if that's true it's never acceptable to praise that man, sir.

Sir, i understand your point but even if it is true...please do not praise the character traits of Gregg Opie Hughes...he is a deplorable cunt in every aspect of life.

begging conqueror


Because they know it would never stop.

he's a fucking stray cat. Don't give them milk.

check out the big man in his big truck!

A good American, driving a good, American automobile.

Most Rams are built in Mexico.

I'm Canadian and it was actually built in Detroit.

So Canadians get US built ones and we get Mexican?



I drive a 1988 Mercury Topaz. Wanna go boot shopping?

did you win the lottery rich guy

Dodge builds a damn fine automobile.


Bobo is a cunt. I hope he goes homeless. I will fly his sister to mine and let her sit on my face though.

Step aside, Bobby Slayton. We've got a new Pitbull of Comedy, here.

That was about as funny as your goofy screen name. Ooof.

I don't think they caught on that I'm making fun of Dennyislife.

Got any pointers on making a better screenname? I see that yours has that clever caulk/cock switcheroo, thats good stuff.

Don't pierce her cunt with your awful British though.

Cum on ya then, guvna?

I really hope he's over exaggerating, I can't live in a world where Bobo is sad.

I guess bobo is offended

He learned this from Opie. It's not his stupidity guys. It's the haters.

Bobo went down the hall to fight for his mom's job but later admitted it was a "Who gives a shit?" effort...

But Morton is the one that scammed the fans

My life's been ruined and I don't even know the man. Yet I am still completed to blame him.

Does this mean Miami isn't happening. Fuck you.

I think that's why he is so angry today

Rich Bobo now cashing in on his deceased father's possessions.

Wouldn't that be his grandfather? I can't decipher Mr. Kurlan's Latin.

Good thing Bobo didn't have to give any of his money otherwise he couldn't go to the all star game!!!

His mom had to pawn what was left of her dad? Sad times we live in. #GoMets!

theyre not giving me money its not fair :(

If I had 500 million in the bank, I wouldn't give a penny to this entitled retard. I'd literally rather burn it.

You can't burn a penny dummy, no wonder you don't have 500 million!

I meant the 500 million, not the penny! Don't call me stupid! - Guy who overreacts to a joke and ruins everything.

If you had that much money, you should just hire Mr. Met to beat the crap out of him.

wouldn't give a penny to this entitled conqueror


Stop this.

If Bobo does a show, he'll earn a movie. Whatever happened to his moving and storage work?

I think his uncle's business closed and he's been at UPS unloading boxes a few years.

He's still working.

Can this family just die in a two door house fire already. SHUT THE FUCK UP.

Except the sister.

I'm so fucking her and posting here within 2 years. Somebody set up that remindme horseshit.

Do it brother. It would be epic.

It's as good as done. Just somebody set the reminder up, I wanna be accountable.

Bobo is retarded brother-fucker with a tiny pecka and poor social skills

plenty of people left $1 & a funny username, what's his problem?

So pretty much a non retard translation would be: if you goys gave me enough money out of pity, i would be able to deal with the grief from my fathers death. You gready bastards ruined it though, and now i will continue to be poor, helpless and grief stricken. Fuck you.

I don't even really care that he used charity money to go to baseball games. It's that he didn't attempt to hide it. He would literally post a tweet begging for money, and then half an hour later post a picture of him at a Met's game.

It's not the dishonesty that offends me, it's the shocking stupidity. I truly hope this fool gets killed soon.

Me too, just so his mom can die in peace.

He's mentally challenged so I'm not sure why you'd have any expectations of rational thought.

Please tell me someone got his begging fund shut down.

How did haters ruin the scam? They shut it down?

Why did she suddenly need to pawn jewelry from her dead husband? Were they living a lifestyle that required $3,000/day? So many questions for this retard.

Were they living a lifestyle that required $3,000/day? So many questions for this retard.

He thinks people make around $200 a year, he has no concept of money

I bet Bobo didn't pawn whichever jizz crusted tablet he last begged off fans.

Anthony "allegedly" fucked Bobo's sister at the Compound so maybe he can throw a few bucks at their mom? He spent tens of thousands supporting Lobster girls mom and family so he can at least give the Kurlan family a little bit of cash.

Bobo should be blaming Jim Norton. Ever since Jimmy ran off with that 60k, fans are much more skeptical of crowdfunding.

Doesn't he understand? If you want money for doing nothing you need to pretend you're going to produce 5 chip chipperson cartoons.

Vury good

Good, now take the hint bobo. Nobody on here gives a fuck about you or your family's health or happiness. Now kindly, fuck off and go try your pathetic sob story on the o&a fans so desperate to be close to the show they'll tolerate you.

Didn't she slip on the ice and break a bone? It's fucking summer, and they're still struggling on the verge of homelessness and eating cat food.

Maybe Bobes should pick up an extra shift unpacking boxes at a local bodega instead of sitting at City Field for a Tuesday night game against the Topeka Whateverfucks.

bobos gone heel

No he's mad his donations have peaked

It's as good as done. Just somebody set the reminder up, I wanna be accountable.