Is Joe Rogan an idiot?

9  2017-06-25 by FlashVirus

Am I crazy or is he just really straining his wrists for this workout? Seems like he's doing more damage than anything. The other guy seems to be doing it correctly where it doesn't look like his wrists are about to become noodles.


He is an idiot, yes.

rogan personifies the over-compensating short man stereotype

Is he overcompensating for being short? I always thought he was overcompensating for being gay.

Oh no, he loves being gay. Its not being able to go on Six Flags rides with his kids he hates.

And he can't understand why he has shoulder pain so he injects them with placenta cells.

Joe let his massive following get to his fat, roided-up head. He literally believes he's some kind of guru like Buddha or some shit.

Yes. Very much this. ^

Well put, Guru.

What about those double placebo studies or whatever he calls them?

I listened to Apatow on Joe's podcast yesterday, I almost threw the fucking phone out the window like 3x. Any time they started talking about Trump or politics, oh my fucking god.

TWICE Joe asked Judd if 'there was anything he didn't like about Hillary,' and Judd stammers and stutters for 19 seconds desperately trying to think of something. Because she's a fucking god to this pathetic beta male. It was enraging.

"Reason given most often? 'I want to hear what he'll say next.'"

I hear the name Apatow mentioned here a lot and did a quick DuckDuckGo search and holy shit.. his career is like a whirlpool of bad comedies. A lot of them are really successful but I don't get who could ever watch that shit.

It's a shame, because I really loved him up til This Is 40. I could even stand his beta male cuckery with Knocked Up, because I liked those characters so much. I like his passion for stand up and I like hearing him talk about comedy, I loved his book Sick In The Head. Fucking guy was a writer on Roseanne for Christs sake.

He's another funny person or comedy guy (like Jim Jeffries) that got ruined the second Trump announced he was running for president. I don't know if it's his wife, or living in a house with only girls, but somewhere between Funny People (my favorite thing he ever did) and This Is 40, he turned into a self hating guilty white man.

Watched The Big Sick this weekend and it's so fucking Apatow cookie cutter. The motherfucker cannot keep his bland, tired formula out of anything he touches.

Say what you will about Kumail the online "activist" I think he's a very funny comedic actor and he's actually got a pretty fucking interesting story to tell with this movie but god damn Apatow just can't get out of the way.

The movie is 20 minutes too long but any of the stuff with his family is interesting and funny enough to hold the movie together. I hated Bo Burnham and Aidy Bryant as the acerbic friends/co-workers but most of that was due to weak writing. All in all one of the better Apatow comedies since he started sucking.

I can't tell you how much I hate Kumail Ninajni (whatever the fuck), but I still plan on seeing this. I'll probably agree with you 100% I was gonna see it last night but I fucked a fat chick instead.

So edit: I tried to watch The Big Sick last night, I got about 30 minutes in and tapped. I spent $14 on this movie. I can't get over what a smug, "not fun" unlikeable prick Kumail is. The guy is not funny, he doesn't say anything funny. He is just the living embodiment of "that guy that runs to HR to report everyone, for anything."

I love that he asks the crowd "Is anyone here from Pakistan?" The chick goes "Wooo!", THEN HE YELLS AT HER FOR 'HECKLING.' Are you fucking kidding me?? That's how they're introduced. They have no chemistry, he's a horrible fucking actor, and the end of act 1 catch is she completely flips out because "he has pictures of women his mom tried to arrange him with." It was such a ridiculous and over the top contrivance.

And you're right, Apatow has his "death of comedy" fingerprints all over this. Men are dumb, women are smart, the male character is this emasculated fucking pussy, all the comedy is NPR 'clever' bullshit and shoe horned cultural references that aren't funny. There has to be a fat chick in the group, and the main character broad is a "5" at best, no hot chicks allowed! Ugh. I fucking left. Horrible. Apatow is killing comedy.

Did you see Don't Think Twice? Do you feel like it deserves the 99% rating it has on Rotten Tomatoes?

I didn't, and I'm really curious to see it now. I almost watched it last night, and I fucking hate Mike Birbiglia.

There is NO fucking way Big Sick was worthy of its approval rating, it was a weak script and bad acting. That fucking montage of when they're "getting to know each other" was so bad it almost felt like it was trying to do a parody of a Lifetime channel movie, the music for it sounded like "on hold" music when you're on the phone. Fucking horrible. The only reason it's getting a high rating is so the critics can feel 'culturally superior,' because it's an immigrant story and therefore has to be more interesting or intelligent than if it was just white people.

I literally confused the fat girl from Don't Think Twice with the fat girl from Big Sick. In fact I'm still pretty sure they're the same person.

Don't Think Twice was the most enraged I've been in a theater in a long time. Birbiglia should sleep walk into traffic after making that piece of shit.

It's all this appeal to the NPR faux intellectual 20 something and NY upper west side crowd. They eat this shit up and praise it, no matter how mediocre or sub par it is, just because "it's doesnt have Captain America in it."

It's almost shocking how low the bar has been set now with critics because movies are just so fucking bad these days.

to be fair thats not really impacting his wrists as much as youd think. they just roll around from the momentum

He has to put that HGH and TRT to good use, also he had to do something from thinking about how delicious dicks are all god damn day

The way the other guy (aubrey marcus, unironically calls himself a "warrior poet" btw) opens his right palm during each rep is the most annoying part.

It's hilarious how much joe rogan talked up kettle bells for years, and more recently has needed tons of shoulder surgery and doesn't talk about them anymore.

I think he counts as an idiot.

He's a dumb mans idea of a smart man.

He's a Rogan.

I'm fairly certain that kettle bells are pretty legit and good for building functional strength. Joe Rogan didn't invent the kettlebell, he just teamed up with fuck face Audrey Marcus(the other guy in the video whose not even doing the exercise correctly) to sell overpriced novelty kettle bells on ONNIT.

Audrey Marcus by the way is one of the worse human beings that I know of. He's the CEO on, which is modern way of saying snake oil salesman. I can write an essay about how much Aubrey Marcus annoys me, but all you have to do is just google his name and look at his instagram and it would speak for itself.

I'd like Joe Rogan infinity more if he never got involved in scamming his insecure followers into buying his brain bills.

One of his first products was nail polish for men called Alpha Nails.

more a disingenuous manchild who knows his audience. he's been to successful to be a complete idiot.

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So i watched an episode of his radio show and honestly i kind of see him like the guys that used to do crazy things on camera? Jhonny Knox or something? I really try to give people the benefit of the doubt so let me know if i misjudged him :S i mean, he really does try to sound smart.. i just don't get that feel, you know?

You responded to a thread I made three months ago. I can only wish death and misery upon you and your loved ones.

Oh no, he loves being gay. Its not being able to go on Six Flags rides with his kids he hates.