Weekly Free-For-All Thread: June 25, 2017

5  2017-06-25 by AutoModerator

Feel free to use this thread for whatever you would like to discuss this week.

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Where will rich vos be performing?

Life is just one slow, monotonous waiting period until you get a cancer diagnosis.

It's a Muslim holiday today so watch out for any sandniggers if you're British.

I dont think theres a Muslim holiday today. I hope not because I havent been fasting

This comment is Haram.

Thank god for automod, I've been waiting all week to say nothing of importance here.

Jews are the scapegoat of the NWO, the REAL ones who are causing mayhem and death are the Lizard Jews! DO THE RESEARCH

I had this girlfriend last year, she's super hot and so she has a history of being with heavy hitters. One of which was a mid-level politician. So one day we're laying in bed after having sex and we're feeling particularly intimate. I ask her to tell me the craziest thing she believes in that nobody else would believe.

So she's starts telling me about all of these conspiracies, the one I remember the most is that she said -with no hint of irony- that Lizard People run the world and they communicate through antennas and wires. I started worrying but I smiled and asked her why she was so sure that this things existed. She said that this politician ex of hers showed her some crazy shit that she, unfortunately (and conveniently) would never tell me about.

I realized that day that I was dating and having sex with Alex Jones in the body of a fiery redhead.

that's one that got away

I honestly do miss her sometimes

I didn't realize until the other day that there are people who claim the truck attack in Nice last summer was a hoax. It didn't click at first, but then I thought about all the truck control laws that have been passed since and realized the man with the YouTube video where he points things out on a website was absolutely right.

Meredith Marakovitz is sexy.

I only jack it to Joe Buck

Meredith has a deep ass crack

bLaCk MeN dOn'T LikE fAt wHiTe WiMmEn AnD tHeY aRe GoOd FaThErS.

I beg to differ

If I learned anything in life, it's that nothing is for free. Jew somewhere else, autobot.

Well boys, that Jim Norton sure is begging for a a pegging if you know what I mean. Do you think this will be the week he finally comes out?

Any thoughts on the Daniel Day-Lewis retiring? My take: it's fawkin brutalllll. Also, it's incredibly problematic, and should be considered rape.

Dis one faaawkin' hurts.

He was a friend of the show, but then forgot we faaawkin made his career

Is that real?

I'll have to look up the whole money aspect of it, but there definitely are products that have those symbols and are considered kosher.

It's true. The jew is a sneaky beast.

Big if tru

So I cam drink Palmolive now? Sweet.

I've got a leather chair. It's as good as new but it has a lot of cum smeared on the arm rests and a little bit of shit smeared on the seat. If you're interested please contact me at 516 922 WINE

Which users will out themselves as gay this week

I never did that fuck you'd tell this !

Don't tell me how to sort my comments buddy

I'm watching The Carmichael Show for the first time... I'm black and I gave up cable for about 5 years now. TV has really gotten bad. Holy fucking shit!

wow, are you really a black guy? Yea, cable is an absolute joke now.

Are you going to ask if you can touch his hair?

Pubic hair.

Do black people really mind it when you do? 🤔

Sue Lightning

ME: Where we with The Ben Franklin? I'm reading his autobiography and wanna try out his virtue journal system. Lil bit.

What's that?

He didn't say "Chip"

Can you give me a summary? Fodda sub

Do you ever get...that not so fresh feeling?

I have a good movie to recommend: The Survivalist. It's released by IFC Midnight and some of there stuff is top notch. You also get some good gardening tips.

Megan Kelly fucking stinks.

What bout when she isn't fucking?

Last week of pride I'm betting Norton or Antwan comes out this week

Attempt #173 to quit drinking has failed once again. I'm starting to think I have a problem.

I'm about to buy some etizolam online in hopes of it helping me cut back, but I'm probably just gonna take those and drink even more. Win win.

Gavin makes an appearance on Murdoch Murdoch.


Video linked by /u/boofk:

Title Channel Published Duration Likes Total Views
Nice Guy National Socialist Murdoch Murdoch 2017-05-04 0:14:45 8,042+ (95%) 150,809

Info | /u/boofk can delete | v1.1.3b

We need to talk about We Need to Talk About Kevin

Whats some of them other underrated films we got?

I'm reading 'The Gulag Archipelago Abridged' right now. It's pretty good so far.

I'm all in with Alex.

Jordan B!

Im gAy


thas my bit fgoot

Said 100% of this sub

Racism is discrimination and prejudice towards people based on their race or ethnicity. Today, the use of the term "racism" does not easily fall under a single definition.[1]

The ideology underlying racist practices often includes the idea that humans can be subdivided into distinct groups that are different in their social behavior and innate capacities and that can be ranked as inferior or superior.[2] The Holocaust is a classic example of institutionalized racism which led to the death of millions of people based on race. While the concepts of race and ethnicity are considered to be separate in contemporary social science, the two terms have a long history of equivalence in both popular usage and older social science literature. "Ethnicity" is often used in a sense close to one traditionally attributed to "race": the division of human groups based on qualities assumed to be essential or innate to the group (e.g. shared ancestry or shared behavior). Therefore, racism and racial discrimination are often used to describe discrimination on an ethnic or cultural basis, independent of whether these differences are described as racial. According to a United Nations convention on racial discrimination, there is no distinction between the terms "racial" and "ethnic" discrimination. The UN convention further concludes that superiority based on racial differentiation is scientifically false, morally condemnable, socially unjust and dangerous, and there is no justification for racial discrimination, anywhere, in theory or in practice.[3]

Racist ideology can become manifest in many aspects of social life. Racism can be present in social actions, practices, or political systems (e.g., apartheid) that support the expression of prejudice or aversion in discriminatory practices. Associated social actions may include nativism, xenophobia, otherness, segregation, hierarchical ranking, supremacism, and related social phenomena.

This claims the holocaust actually happend.

It did happen, and 200 to 300 thousand people died during it

I think you're loying.



Anyone else blown away by that sequence in last night's Twin Peaks?

anyone, no? Ya cunts!


k :)

Which one? The whole episode was full of cool sequences.

From the nuclear blast to the birth of BOB to the white lodge where the giant lives

It was set up to be the most confusing episode but if you know what's going on in the show it actually ties a lot of shit together. What I hope doesn't happen is they use this to say Laura is some sort of savior figure and she was destined to fight BOB, or some shit. The end of Fire Walk With Me had her ascending up like an angel so I don't know what to expect.

Yea, I think that's exactly what happened though. Her fate was set before she was born.

It was fucking incredible. Badalamenti's score during the scene with the giant (or "??????") was some of his best work too. I love that despite how much TV has progressed since seasons 1 and 2 they've once again managed to create something that's nothing like any other TV show.

Amen! This might turn out to be one of the the greatest seasons in tv history.

I work in loss prevention for a company that contracts me out to grocery stores and other retail outlets that have really bad internal theft or just can't stop people from stealing. I'm currently contracted to this grocery store and I have my own little office setup, right next to the break room, with a feed for the cameras and my laptop. Anyways, there's been this guy in a wheelchair who has been a real problem the past couple weeks. He will steal pretty expensive stuff like teeth whitener, vitamins, etc. But when he's trailed, he senses it and puts the stuff back and complains to management about some bullshit and usually the managers just end up not wanting to cause more of a problem, so they'll give him a 5 dollar gift card or some shit. I've been advising them to just ban the guy, but I need to put together examples of the guy stealing and attempting to leave the store. So I'm reviewing the tape today, and that song "my boyfriends back" is on in the background. So I'm watching the tape and making up words to the song, "Your legs don't work, and you're such a fuckin burdennn. Hey ya, Hey ya, you crippled fuck!" I turn around to grab a paper and realize there's a girl from the office who was coming to look for a manager. I could tell she heard, because she was just looking at me horrified. I asked her what was up, and she told me who she was looking for and I said I hadn't seen him. Anyways, just thought I'd share that here because I will not be sharing it with anyone else in real life, ever.

There's nothing more hateable than a fawwkin their,sniff.

For once a decent story here. I'm howling.

I read your story in Quentin Tarantino's voice. I recommend it.

His white voice or black voice?

Top Gun monolog voice.

Nobody reads these treads

Speak for yourself bub

It's threads cunt

James O'keefe just released a video showing producers at CNN admitting the whole Russia conspiracy is bullshit they run for ratings.

Thanks for the link

You're one of the greats so here you go:


i have a fat dick #girth

A nice piece? You know who else is "doin' alright down there?"

That bulge is just a third breast. Don't get your hopes up.

Team Length represent

I only fuck men

I love the smell of a yeast infection.

Yeah I don't mind it. I've had some pretty gross girlfriends. I bet boipucci tastes better than some of the stinkrot snatches I've wrestled with.

Are you good looking?

Of course not.

thank you for your honesty

oh...sorry...that's just the kimchee your mom is feeding her new boyfriend upstairs...cry yourself back to sleep K?

I don't mind a whiff. Just a whifff.

I don't mind a taste. Just a taste 😋

What's the meaning of life ?

We die at the end.

That's deep


I love Opie's cooking show he has on everyday at 3.

They call me dr worm

Anyone know what happened with Rolland and Opie?

Rolland ate opie.

Sherrod yelling

Carl being fucking annoying as usual thinking he's a vital part of a show.

Opie dumping on his producer, being a pussy.


What was extra shitty was the entire room of tit's dick riders trying to shit on him, but he didn't give two fucks and hit up all of them without really stumbling or caving

Paul rules.

O'Doyle Rules

I don't know why, but the idea that there might be a video of Roland taking a big sloppy shit really turns me the fuck on. I'm leaking right now.

I fawwwkin needed you that day.

Where we at with the Jordan Peterson? He does this bit about narcissism in part 3 of his Maps Of Meaning lecture that is the greatest explanation of Opie's personality I've ever heard.


Around 1:21:00.

Trying to get my ADHD in control to listen to some of his more dense stuff on psychology of religion and all that was an undertaking, but I like him a lot, wish I had more professors who cared as deeply as him about the material. I have been watching this series lately https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f-wWBGo6a2w which is great and you can get a lot of info that can be applied to many parts of life. Him and Stefan Molyneux when Stefan does the lecture style powerpoint history lessons are like taking university level classes for free. One of my favorite ones by Molyneux is his presentation on Joseph McCarthy, kind of a random topic but he tells that story of McCarthy but more from McCarthy's point of view and makes some very interesting points that my social studies class never covered. I'll have to watch this one you posted

I'm in ritalin myself. My favourite things Peterson does now are his apolitical speeches- so his bible lecture, his Pinocchio lecture, and his psychology.

I'm sick of everyone talkin about political correctness and trannies and communism- I've heard it all a thousand times. But when Peterson talks about self authoring, it's so detailed and shit I've never heard anywhere before.

I enjoy a lot of the lectures he does. He's pretty at good shitting on the PC crowd

People should be reaching out to Paul, I'm sure he would be interested in what we have to say. The fucker could already be a lurker.

That's how I got into him but the best shit he does is so far above and beyond that.

You're such a faggot. You think you're on the tough guy side of the ideological spectrum, but all you're really doing with all this Trump stuff is whining. Yes, assholes exist. And they're levying bullshit charges against us for being white men. I think they're assholes too. The thing is, I don't care enough to allow myself to descend into a constant obsession of rhetoric regarding it. You know why? Because it's par for the course that assholes are going to exist. No. It's all that exists. Everyone has always been assholes, everyone is an asshole, and everyone will always be assholes.

That you find any sanctimonious reasons to take exception to this blatantly obvious fact supported by the most empirical evidence imaginable, is what makes you an asshole too.

So weak. So blatantly, objectively, transparently weak-willed.

I'm straight.

preach sista

Autistic rant

Thanks, Anth.

woke up on the right side of the bed. what's up with this Prince song inside my head.

He didn't say "Chip"

Are you going to ask if you can touch his hair?


He was a friend of the show, but then forgot we faaawkin made his career

Amen! This might turn out to be one of the the greatest seasons in tv history.