Absolute faggot

56  2017-06-25 by JoeCumiasCockBreath


I'd still trade that fat nigga over Opie any day of the week

The days of slavery are over.

I don't come here to be sad man.

Not if you ask the average faggot sjw, they're not.

He be fuggin'.

his confidence is the exact inverse of his intelligence

dassabesso, just being totally useless and fuckin

his fake enthusiasm is fucking nauseating

He gets to insert his penis into a white girl, so he's doing pretty well for himself

With that fat tongue of his, he must have a hellacious sleep apnea problem.

(I guess Opetta's micropeen keeps it in place so he doesn't choke to death.)

His voice is very boring, and in combination with Opie and Vic, makes the entire show unlistenable. And also makes me purposely not watch Opie's "viral video" attempts, like the most recent Trump Golf Cart video. Nobody watch it.

Cleopatra was balck

Oh god. Don't remind me

This man is a genius with a 161 IQ.