I'm jealous Anthony got to tap this.

17  2017-06-24 by cbanks420lol



Seriously those are great tits for a fella.

Anthony bought them.

Her tits look like Mr Krabs eyes when he gets surprised.


what exactly is thatpervert.com

I don't know, that watermark was on OP's image.

I googled "sue lightning anthony cumia porn" and that pic came up lol

well when the full tape comes out, be sure to make a post

I'm going to jerk off to it first. I'd prefer an O&A sex tape though.

Sue's tit are SHOOK.

They look like bags of rock salt. Fuck outta here.

I bet they have that nice tit feel like when you grab a bag of sand.

That wiener could use some work

Mouth work amirite?

Jill Nicoleaky tits

Do med schools have an equivalent of when you get free haircuts from barbers in training? Cuz that's where I imagine Sue got her frankentits done.

Look, it was either a new desk for the studio or buying Sue quality tits.

He obviously found the doctor on DeepDiscount.com

Are those toys the equivalent of a bowl cut?

It actually tapped him on the forehead and the tonsils.

That turns me on. Now I am a fag I guess.

and a pedophile :)

And somehow you're into zoophilia

And necrophilia, cause you have to kill the tranny/animal/child out of shame after you cum and then you don't want a good corpse to go to waste.

underrated username

At best you're a half a fag. Welcome to the club

no it's full fag. that's a dude with implants and a wig.

It's a pretty cute dude in a wig.


This is some anime bukkake warrior type shit. Needs more random tentacles.

Sue Lightning is nearly as revered as Denny around here

Sue is objectively terrible.

Do you think Jim has sucked that meaty clit before?

le wacky chinless man so very memeable

It's time we had a discussion on the female penis.

Feminine penises are gay but boipucci isn't.

Probably the only tranny I'd wife

Sue makes me feel better about my penis size.

On the other hand Bryan Griffin (Bailey Jay) makes me feel bad about mine, like holy shit.

that lady has a tiny dick.

It's a very feminine cock.

Her tits are pointed at the same 90° angle as her cock.

I think the only reason it's even that high a number is because she's fruitbowl-ing.


Hmmm. Very prominent clitoris.

I'll never understand the appeal. I don't shame anyone that's into this kind of thing but how is it not gay to be into this kind of thing? If you want a cute girl why would you want her to have a dick?

It is somewhat gay. I don't know how one could claim otherwise if a dick is involved.

I'll fuck anything and anyone regardless of gender, race, sexual orientation or age.

Then you're just a whore.

You never mentioned weight. Looks like ERock is out.

For me it's just like any other taboo, such as anal sex for example. Doesn't really feel better, but it's the thought that counts as they say. Just something new to try.

It is indeed gay. Anyone who says otherwise is either delusional, in denial, or lying.

I've never seen a $5 tit job before. Interesting

That awful little dick always slays me.

It deserves Patrice laughter.

Fucking horrible estrogen ravaged dick. Why would you even keep that thing? It's somehow worse than if she had a 6 incher.

*aYe...pUHt m0oNr0cK5...iNtO 5uGhE LiGhtEnSinG's cHeH5t...




tHaT...iS aLl.*

Ant loves her would-make-a-10-year-old-proud cock the most.

Sue everybody.

First, I don't think Ant did anything sexual with this "thing".

Second, anyone who does something sexual with this "thing" is 100% gay.

I think the freakiest part is that disturbed smile on his face while he's standing in the mirror looking at his fake tits, and his hard dick.

There's proof Anthony got blown by Sue.

I haven't seen anything that convinces me he got blown by Sue.

Care to elaborate?


Eeewww, who is this old man?

Ant wriggled like a fish the first time that little peckah penetrated his backside.

Did he even? Maybe they just played video games

of all the things this sub has discovered or created, this is by far the strangest.

I'm fairly convinced Anthony paid to suck that cock.

I gotta admit, my dick tingled.

In soviet Russian, man fucks you.

Me too. It's gaming channel is alright, if you're a weaboo.

Is this thing erect? That is one tiny pecka.

I don't get it, I mean the amount of guys that consider themselves straight, but would fuck this abomination. You're fucking some twink dude with bolt on tits up his ass.

Imagine being raising a son. Teaching him how to walk, to play catch, morals and what it means to be a man. Then him growing up to be a "thing" that grown men jerk off to and argue on the internet about whether or not it's gay to jerk to them.


real dads don't let their sons watch anime

I love a girl that squirts.

Do these tits make me look mentally ill?

Haha its peckahs hard

now if I get a boner am I gay? Or do I actually have to jerk off

That pic made me look over my left shoulder

who is this

I hate implants


It deserves Patrice laughter.