Is Opie just re-posting days-old news stories on his YouTube account for likes? Pathetic

12  2017-06-24 by SHITLORD_CUNTDICK


Slapping his watermark on other people's videos. Sounds like copyright infringement to me.


what's even more pathetic, Anthony is willing to give this shitdick another chance.

It 2 months he will be uploading dank meme compilations. He really is a creatively bankrupt bafoon.

Don't tell me this fuckin dickhead actually took that gorilla vid and uploaded it to his channel and passed it off as his own...

Fawkin Patrice lives!

opie is replying to a bot that automatically posts when someone likes a video

Why not? He replies to all the other bots that compliment him.

I can't believe how dumb he is. It's been at least a decade since anyone with a 60+ IQ thought it was remotely plausible that someone would post those themselves.

Opie is not a smart man. (nor is he talented)

Doesn't anyone know if Opie has done a segment of his radio show alone yet? I posted a thread a few months ago about this.

yes, he sure is.