Heading to India.

13  2017-06-24 by A_Friendly_Creeper

I've bought a lovely 20 acre parcel outside of Hyderabad. We can learn to breathe fire like Dhalsim and shit where ever we want! Who's in?


You'll shit fire within a week.

we can wash our asses off in the Ganges.

And also get your drinking water from the Ganges.

Everything happens in the Ganges.

I would go, but I have an allergy to curry.

It's "whose", you brown-skinned street shitter...

dammit! I'm gonna change it thanks.

Grammer lesson:

"Who's in?" = Who is in?

"Whose in?" = Who does this "in" belong to?

I think you were right the first time.

Dammit. Oh, dammit! I gotta change it back. Gratzi.

Don't forget to call /u/MalcolmX_InTheMiddle a fucking retard.

Putting that Ole Miss degree to good use :()

Fair point. I felt like a real piece of shit when I realized that I owed 20k to a "learning institution" in Mississippi.

Hotty toddy.

It's "whose", you brown-skinned street shitter...

It's edited now but did he have "Who's in?" instead of "Whose in?"

Who is in = Who's in

I said that already!

Off I go to fuck myself, ta.

Ah no, you were right to point out that MalcolmX_InTheMiddle is a retarded ass. We need more people doing it.

Big Dicks Halfway Inn.fuck yeah.

You said "Ian you're life is like a movie" yesterday. You are in no position to judge.

get a tiger

And lifts and a wig.

Here's the trick to getting respect in India: the first day you're there find the biggest cow you can find. Take it to the town square then fuck and slaughter it in front of the village elders. If you do this, no one will fuck with you.

Hold the phone pal, I think you've got some misinformation there. Cows are considered sacred in India and that would be considered insulting to the natives.

It's better to be feared than liked.

Machiavelli was a hack and a fag

2pac was da bomb

I hope you get busraped by a pack of hindus

I'd go but it's India.

Get yourself a barrel of Cipro.It's good for Anthrax and the Plague.

You could promise me every acre of India and I would still never step foot in India.