Was the 'intervention' episode of TACS with Jim and Ron before or after Anthony had been to rehab?

1  2017-06-24 by yakovsdinnertrays

If it was after, then a short clip of ant lying to jimmy and Ron (two very close and dear friends) from that episode followed by the new clip would really make ant look like a piece of shit who lies to his best friends...





Whoopsie daisies looks like you got a little typo there, sailor!

Looks to me like this lil guy had an itty bitty strokey poo.

It was before and it was quite obvious to Ron that it was a joke

Anthony Cumia bites women.

Before, but we all called it at the time. It was court ordered, insincere, and wouldn't work. Why weren't we part of his intervention? Why was it up to Cock Addict and Food Fiend.

Vos is the only one that had an addiction, recovered from it properly and didn't just redirect it into something else (except bombing).