Heading to Costa Rica

0  2017-06-24 by WPHDstuntboy

I've had enough of this place, have done the research and it's the best bang for the buck. No, we're not talking underage prostitutes. Honest work with realistic expenses and no nonsense. Anyone interested PM me. Thanks. EDIT: this was a shout out to anyone who wants to change things. I agree this was most likely the worst sub to post, however I feel there are people out there that are tired of dreaming. Get busy living or get busy dying. Thanks for the positive (an completely negative) responses.


Hope you like bathing in a bucket and eating plantains, nigga.

obviously you're a half wit. chances of that seem more likely in "Murica". I didn't ask for nonsense and I'm not a shit poster. Keep that shit to yourself. And go fire up the rig.

Nope, a friend of mine lived there. He's a pretty outdoorsy fella too, but 6 months is all he could take of that Zika infested island. Plus the "relaxed" island work ethic is very frustrating to most Americans who want to just get some shit done.

sorry about your friend. I have money to buy, purchase or build.

Its also not an Island. wow.

lets also be serious. you don't have a friend.

You sound like a serial killer.

Not even close. Divorce and job loss have made me look at options. Thanks for not being a dick.

Didn't realize this was a serious post. Stating "underage prostitutes" in the title - probably not the best bet in this sub.

the term "underage prostitutes" is in the body of the post - indicating that's not at all why I've made the decision. You must be thinking of Thailand. Perhaps if you would have passed 8th grade English you would get that. I'm simply looking for anyone that would like to try a new start.

I was gonna go with till you insulted me. All the best you faggot.

well you were wrong and I corrected you. wtf?

No, we're not talking underage prostitutes.

Anyone interested PM me.

No thanks.

admittedly that's hilarious, however not the mission. Carry on.

Can you at least promise to turn a blind eye if fellow travellers indulge in underage prostitutes?

no. that's illegal and disgusting. sorry champ.

Judgemental and a party pooper?

Nobody go to Costa Rica with this man, it will be incredibly boring.

enjoy throwing shitty darts with your whale of a gal tonight. I've traveled the world and you've never left your State. Unless DisneyLand counts. Obnoxious cunt. Go troll another 100th thread about spit in peoples mouths.

You're having a midlife crisis in a sub dedicated to ruining the lives of comedians and their families, and getting genuinely upset when people make jokes. Reevaluate.

If I got upset about jokes I certainly wouldn't hang here.

Cool set me up with a room at your place

I really hope as soon as you get there, you meet a beautiful girl, have sex and when she leaves; not even 10 minutes later, police come in and arrest you for molesting a 13 year old girl. but not just any girl, the former presidents daughter. you goto jail for the rest of your life in which you will be brutally and mercilly fucked in the asshole by a native. you will catch HIV, which will then turn into aids, and you will die in jail. All because you couldnt make it in a country with unlimited opportunity and the hottest girls. Fuck off. Faggot. Die.

Thank you for the well wishes

I'm off to Thailand in a few months seems like the better option.

My nigga.

Love Casino

Great List. Seen most of them. I'd include Inglorious Bastards but if my head starts going I'd add 100 more. You're alright man.

Whaddaya know, all my favorites! :)

Only movie missing from the list is 'Drumline.'

That's terrible. I'm sorry.

Hookers are cheap at the del ray

There's 1/2 dozen "normal" people that have replied. What the fuck is wrong with the rest of you? Underage sex? horrible photos that an asshole that watches to much SOA? Fuckin aye most of you appear to be mental patients. I'm making a move and reached out. Attacked by the Hive of a radio show I listened to in my late 20's.

Why the fuck would you wanna be with anybody from this sub is beyond me. You're the mental patient.

after reading all these shit comments I believe you are absolutely right. The "Old Show" made me feel better about things collapsing around me. It was funny and a relatable distraction. Now my life is shit. My fake radio friends are shit. I've lost "my real life" via divorce, custody, and unemployment. Why I pour this out on Reddit I have no idea. I'm in a world of shit. I'm climbing out if anyone is interested. Thank you for replying.

If you want to go then go, you can meet people when you get there. Why the hell would you want to bring people from this sub with you? What's the point of that, it's not like any of these people are your friends.

I tried to buy a few of you, but they ran out.

Spics are the scourge of the earth

We know why your going to Costa Rica, Hispanics transition well. I'm sure you will find yourself a young good looking "SeƱorita".

no argument there

So what's the expectation here? You tell some people on the opie and Anthony sub that you're moving to Costa Rica and people are just going to come with you? Like move in to your house and shit? Why the hell would you want that?

Simply because I know I'm not the only person on this sub that feels isolated and wants to make a change. Nothing more.

So do you want people to live with you or is everyone buying their own houses in the same neighborhood or something?

yeah im thinking a Waco outcome

Yeah that's how it comes off except much more gay. They had chicks at Waco.

Costa Rica, another country where the people are whiter than the Cumias. Literally.


I recommend petting a fer-de-lance while your there.

I would love to but I'm not allowed to leave the country.

Good for you. I'll continue being a wealthy NYer and travel to Costa Rica for vacation and take photos of my Latino brethren.

I was never able to be wealthy in NY. Taxes were way to high. Been down South a good few years and it's half of what I paid up there. Thanks for the reply.

actually I considered expanding my consulting business to Central America (Costa Rica included) .. I'm afraid the cumbersome bureaucracy is too discouraging, business framework doesn't adequately support entrepreneurial activity and non-salary cost of employing a worker remains high. Also the gov's decision to subsidize hydro electric bills will prove to be an economic disaster long term. good luck

thank you for the reply. I agree with some of what you are saying however I'm not looking at it a a business move; rather an extended vacation. Great points and appreciate any feedback.

Isn't that the same place intern Matt went to, and now's he's a spiritual guru.

Yo I'm leaving for Tamarindo in July. Where are you going?

Tamarindo Are you going to surf? I'm planning on going to escape the grind for a while.

Nah, I'm just trying to fuck some latin twinks before I move in with my girlfriend

sorry about your friend. I have money to buy, purchase or build.

Its also not an Island. wow.

well you were wrong and I corrected you. wtf?

Simply because I know I'm not the only person on this sub that feels isolated and wants to make a change. Nothing more.

lets also be serious. you don't have a friend.