How is it that Burr will call out women on all their shit and double-standards but he's scared to death of doing the same to minorities?

41  2017-06-24 by Single_Action_Army

Possible answer: Because minorities will brain you with a blackjack and steal your Prius.


Because the former is just cute guy/girl stuff but if he goes off on the latter his "lovely" wife will brain him with a divorce and steal half of everything he owns or ever will own.

all he has to do is take the baby to get a dna test and find out if the divorce is worth it

He lives in California, they will STILL make him pay even if the mutt isn't his.

fight it

By "it" do you mean his wife's daughter? My money's on the kid.

Only half? You overestimate the mercy of Nia.

But that's going to happen regardless.

... Burr will call out WHITE women ...

and in most cases he will call out white housewives

That "white women need to work" rant was hilarious since I guess he thinks doing a bit part in a straight to VOD movie every 2 years qualifies as a job.

That "white women need to work" rant

What rant was that? The one where he made fun of women thinking that 'being a mother is the most difficult job on that planet'? I think he can make fun of that notion whilst simultaneously having an easy job himself. He never claimed he had a difficult job whereas those broads did.

I think Billy Burr should win housewife of the year award

Because they give birth to white children.

an anti-proud boy


He's white. Pretty edgy for a white man in 2017. I'd like to keep him around and not see him buried under PC nazis. Female is a gender, how's that tie into race. So you just want to hear some racist comedy? I don't understand your complaint.

Are you /u/joyomi?

hes a cuck that tries to act like a tough alpha male, whats so hard to understand

Stop using conservative buzz words, faggot. Nobody's impressed.

I was so angry this 6ft tall bulky man almost fell from my push

Or your 280 pound girth. Whichever.

Because he has a career and that would create headlines he doesn't want.and we know he has white guilt so it probably doesn't even cross his mind

Bill even had the most popular dog that black people like, and she still made him put it down. She even made him sell the most popular instrument black people like(his drums). Is she really black or just some lizard woman?

Because he's smarter than Anthony and knows what will and won't end his career prematurely.

Bill's yesterday's hack. Nobody with respect likes him anymore.

Because he's a nigger lover

Because he's a nigger lover