Jimmy tells people he never watched Seinfeld but I think he's fibbing.

1  2017-06-23 by [deleted]



jimmy also said hes never seen star wars, but hes the first to say how much he hates lucas, and the ewoks, and the prequels. he likes to say he hasnt seen things so he seems like that, "too cool for the popular stuff" guy

There's no fucking way he didn't see Star Wars. He was like 10-15 when it came out and was mega popular. I was born 40 years after jimmy and I had no choice but to watch it.

He's either a lying sack of shit, the world's creepiest reclusive 10 year old, or he was drunk on proto-zima and doesn't remember.

I doubt any of his stories are true

Jimmy is a cunt

Jim doesn't own a television, he's a reader cunt.