SJW Bobo

25  2017-06-23 by jaimieand87


When the Dr first saw him.

What a retarded faggot

I hope no one brings up his own past use of racially hurtful language.

Bobo is saying that all faggots are retarded. Wow.

Thankfully it's still ok to say spade.

Finally a champion of the cause I can get behind.

Shut up shit lords it's bobo time.

How the fuck do you use they're in one sentence and their in the next. What a fag retard

You must be seeing some punctuation I'm not.

They're means "they are" and their is possessive, like they own something. He should have used they're in both instances

The joke was that there are not two sentences in his tweet. I understand grammar.

Look man I'm just a ductwork specialist that dropped out of high school

And you had such a proud moment there

Retard and faggot are boring anyway, I prefer mongoloid and mysterious men

I refuse to believe Bobo can spell behavior and appropriate

Spellcheck has come a long way. It's literally retard proof.

Hey! Language, faggot!

He did not write that.

Daniel Kurlan's moral compass is the metric by which we should all measure ourselves. Maybe I just think that because I have fucked my brother too? Tough to say at this juncture.

It's a ruse, his rallying for social justice is to distract from the scam he's pulling.

He's right. "their" was not used correctly.

I think this is his take on Colin's twitter persona. He's always two steps ahead of us--this is some 4-D Jenga shit.

Check your'e fawkin priviledge! Alroight?!

I am honestly asking this with no trolling. Is he that stupid grammatically or is this whole thing a ruse? Why would Anthony keep him around other wise? He has to be fake.... Is Bobo loying?

Bobo the king of the retarded faggots

What makes this kind of sad is that means that for the past 10 or however many years, Bobo has literally not understood a single that that's been said on O&A and TACS - he just heard people laughing and occasionally taking his calls and it made him feel nice to listen to obsessively

Agreed. It's clear he feels very few genuine emotions.

Even with this tweet. He sounds like a SJW but a real SJW feels things like outrage and righteousness when they complain online. Genuine emotions, subjective experiences. Bobo is just repeating something he heard someone say, like an autistic computer.

I've never seen him express any sort of emotion other than greed and sexual lust, and most recently, childish attachment to his stupid dog.

Even with his obsession over O&A, I think there's no emotion involved there. I think he simply heard the radio one day, and a circuit shorted in his android brain, a bit got flipped, and he just became someone obsessed with a radio show, without understanding why.

He's a hateable, autistic robot, offensively trying to mimic a human being, and I'm not too fond of him.

I really HATE bobo. Breaks my fragile heart seeing folks on here still pander to his shit.

Remember that movie 'Mimic' ? I bet spreads his wings and we all realize that dopey face is just a pattern on a giant insect monster.

His first appearance on the show he knew all these show references and was making jokes. Then they told him he was going to be a big star and he's been in this Reggie Jackson I must kill the queen-like trance in search of air time ever since.

Collective possession use "they're", conjunction meaning 'they are' use "their". When did these words become appropriate 2 use this way?

Wasn't he standing outside the Sirius building yelling that the managers were faggots when Aunt got fired?

Bobo, do tell the story.The day your brother ass raped you.

Bobo has a tiny pecka but he has stacks of all ya'll niggas bennies

He eagerly pulls his dick out at the request of other men. What is this retarded faggot blabbing about.