R.I.P Joyomi

17  2017-06-23 by [deleted]



Is that actually him?

Fucking hell, I know we joke about having autism here but this dumbbell is on the spectrum in a big way.

What a gay, stupid idiot.

Fucking good

He deleted his account after I said Italians aren't white and he got really butthurt about it for some reaosn.

I knew I had a vague recollection of that person being a fag...

My favorite of his posts was when he asked us if we ever got a happy ending at an asian massage parlor and whether or not he should go and try it


I didn't know him but someone referred to him as "the only person here who's worse than Crownenberg" the other day so he must've been bad.

Great, now how the fuck am I going to know when the next, great Joyomi video is released?!

I made this for him last night but my post was removed


Hey look! The faggot is back. Couldn't stay away from the computer, huh fatboy?

Nope, I needed some pg-13 laffy Taffy wrapper jokes and I only know of one account that can give them to me. Keep up the dank ass ol' Reddit switcheroo jokes on r/jokes. If you buy a puppet you could be the next Jeff Dunham.

Get ya some new lines. That shit is old, you son of a bitch. Why don't you creep in my post history for some new material and forget about that nigger who pokes you up the butt every night at the group home?

Good one. I'm obsessed with your post's on r/jokes because it's the type of shit my 48 year old aunt would share on Facebook. To quote a famous African, tranny fucker "You're not clever, you're not smart, you're not funny. You're a retard"

You're obsessed with my posts on /r/jokes because aspies don't comprehend irony and they're extremely repetitive. Take your pills then come back with some new lines next time you have rec time at the group home.

Yes when I read your jokes I see the irony dripping from them. You stink, shut up. Good job keeping your shoes clean for a year. That's quite the accomplishment that only a nigger would care about.

It's not the jokes that are ironic. It's the reason I'm posting them you dope. I really have to spell things out for you.

Also the shoe thing is a repost of a junkie I used to pick on. That's what "clean" meant in that context, retard.

Stop it, you two! Joyomi wouldn't have wanted you to fight. He only ever wanted the best for us. He was such a sweet boy.

So brave. I'm in awe of you anonymously standing behind an anonymous Reddit account.

What does that make you? You're scared being behind an anonymous Reddit account. How soon before you delete this one? You've only been online for an hour so I assume in about 14 hours after you've finished another Reddit binge?

Yes, that is why I deleted my account. Go make some more shit jokes for e points and then call it ironic shit posting when called out. I'm just here to mourn my friend Joyomi, we can have this sperg fight some other time in some other place.

Sure, faggot. You're going to scrutinize my entire post history and write comebacks for the next time I trash you although I may be giving you too much credit. I expect another reference to /r/jokes.

I have never seen a conversation worse than what you to fucking retards just had.

I agree.

And before anybody says it, I know I spelled "two" wrong while calling somebody retarded so shut the fuck up

Damn it. I'm gone for a week and my favorite Youtuber is gone.

At least he didn't take an AR-15 into a mall like I was assuming this story would end.

This sub has made it into niche entertainment articles but imagine the headlines if major news outlets found his comments here after he murdered a bunch of children at a daycare. We'd be famous!

tss he didn't seem very joyful, right Col?

How many of the losers here has died and/or killed themselves? There's a few legit ones, isn't it? Has /u/thenigisup finally committed himself?

I'm back baby. Always bet on bet on nig, you Norwegian queer 😊

I do always bet on nig, but word was that you had some kind of nervous breakdown

I just really hate the selective moderation that goes on here. Either every shit post should be okay or none of them. Also the no personal attacks on users rule is literally Opie tier shit. I'm allowed to make a post accusing a man of being a pedo that drinks kid spit but if I made a post saying that I think a user here stinks, that post is not okay.

So you did have a breakdown?

I wouldn't say that, but I guess some fags would call it that.

Are you in an institution or out walking the street looking to cause trouble?

Yes, deleting a Reddit account is cause for mental evaluation. Your obsession with me is still a bit creepy, David.

Somebody wrote a post that you had a breakdown. I'm not obsessed with you. It's just that your previous handle is the only one I can remember.

Me and /u/theghostofabevigoda really tortured that guy. With any luck he deleted himself from the face of the earth as well.

He's making youtube videos in heaven now, calling angels cucks.

pretty sure it was my bit torturing him

Here is a copy of a DM he sent me after berating him:

re: Your lack of charisma from [deleted] sent 6 days ago

"Ok? I do not care about being a virgin anymore, its a non issue. I am just interested in good friends and my youtube channel. Well the message is real, wether you are into or not. You can still message me tomorrow or whenever I do not care. I will stop posting on O@A board simply because it is a waste of time, and my messages and lessons are not takin seriously. My channel is something I take pride in, and I do not give a shit if people like you are assaulting it. Continue on not being informed and I will still continue to make videos and let my opinion be know to the globe. You can go drink beer and talk to whores, great for you, but imagine 5o years from now when you're 80, lying on death bed questioning what the purpose of you're life was. My life already has the purpose i found in it, and am Contempt. If I were to die I would be happy knowing that my life has made a difference."

His life has purpose and as you con see he is "contempt."

lmao wait whose more likely to die alone the guy partying and fucking whores or the autistic youtube star

I've told you this before stinks but if you were still 20 and bragging about that stuff I'd let it slide but at your age bragging about your lifestyle is kinda like those closeted Christan senators/pastors that really condemn gay shit. I'm not saying you're gay but you are overcompensating for something.

mate he refrenced these things in his pm

I ain't ur m8 cunt

ur mean

Hoo hoo

What the fuck? My special little guy?? Did he at least make a big scene of it?

I don't know who that is but I can't imagine he's anything less than a completely useless faggot.

Why the fuck do you faggots know posters names by heart?

I don't know my children's birthdays but I know the names of dozens of Reddit posters

Who? Why the fuck should I care about this person? Why do all of you know this person? What sort of loser's club is this?

You're the first one to post this unoriginal post. Go fuck yourself if you don't like it, stupid.

You seem triggered, my little snowflake. Your edge is so sharp. I bet all of the girls love your fedora collection.

Next, are you going to tell me that you almost cut yourself on my edge, you hack cunt. You're just mad you missed out on the greatness of Joyomi.

I bet you're just itching to call me a cuck. Go on, get it over with.

I'm not the retard who copies comebacks from Reddit. You're out of your element, baby boy. Go back to /r/SquaredCircle and cry about Jinder being champion.

Ma'am, you need to calm down. Your autism is showing.

Autism? I've never heard that insult on Reddit all the fucking time. Let's do a recap:

  • Triggered
  • snowflake
  • edge
  • fedora

You've really pwned me with your witty and trite comebacks. Does my username check out?

Cool reference bro. My SPECIAL levels lower than yours. I can't compete. You're too meta.

Haha you completely demolished that SolomonKull faggot.

I thoroughly enjoy watching people on this board get doxed (as long as it isn't me😁)

This sub has made it into niche entertainment articles but imagine the headlines if major news outlets found his comments here after he murdered a bunch of children at a daycare. We'd be famous!

It's not the jokes that are ironic. It's the reason I'm posting them you dope. I really have to spell things out for you.

Also the shoe thing is a repost of a junkie I used to pick on. That's what "clean" meant in that context, retard.