Never forget



Creating the Proud Boys flushed all the good will from torpid sloth down the toilet.

No way, that was A+ trolling

Trolling who? Trump had already won by the time anyone had ever heard of those gays. They're redundant confirmation-biased bags of useless zeitgeist feces.

Trolling the morons who joined and got tattoos and shit.

Ok. Hadn't heard that theory before. I'm not really buying it.

I think he's like alex jones. Doesn't really believe most of the stuff he's saying but he's good at making weak minded people follow him.

He could probably have a compound out in Idaho or some shit with a dozen underage wives if he wanted to.

I think you're right about the second part but Alex Jones is a terrible comparison due to the fact that Jones has a truly massive fanbase while Gavin's still scrapping around for one.

Yes he's obviously not as big as alex jones I'm just saying they seem to have a similar effect on people, albeit much fewer people in Gavin's case

Right. So back to my original point which was simply that he wouldn't take his small fanbase for granted, which is what he would be doing if he were trolling them as per your assertion.

He's not trolling his dumb fans. At least, not all that much.

"I just don't get the torpid sloth thing?" -Opie

I have a feeling he doesn't "get" a lot of things. He seems to have below average intelligence.

I think that's why Patrice liked opie, he saw him for the dim witted little fella that he is, and treated him like a toddler. Many times I remember opie doing a line and Patrice getting a genuine laugh out of it, opie said watching bobo was like watching a video buffering, it tickled Patrice for whatever reason. Not a gut busting line, but Patrice saw the wee nimrod was trying his best.

Patrice laughed at Opie the same way O&A laughed at Bobo.

opie said watching bobo was like watching a video buffering, it tickled Patrice for whatever reason.

Fucking opie said that!? God damn it. That actually is a really good line. Never bring this up again.

Don't worry, I'm sure he stole it from instant feedback anyway.

Opie had some great one-off lines. If you listen to 200 hours of O&A, he'll get a dozen, maybe 15 sneaky jokes in there that are good for a genuine laugh. The problem is that the remaining 99+ percent of the time, he's a showstopper.


As much of a fag Gavin is, he's highly entertaining.

He has the potential to be highly entertaining, he's just so obsessed with politics, and gets very repetitive. A weekly show would suit him better.

He wrote his book before turning into a weird cult leader, and it's really good.

"he's just so obsessed with politics, and gets very repetitive"

Why does that sound familiar?

Gavin, Ant, Nick, what's the name a somma them other queers?

Remember granthony and his retards were laughing so hard when they announce all the profit will go to a sloth home

Remember Tranpa had every trace of this wiped from his site once he suspected there was an outside chance Opie was going to take him back.

I actually did forget that he (or whoever designed it) made certain to include the extended 'q'-line reference. Thank you for your service.

Unfunny then, unfunny now. Worn primarily by queens who used the "stand with ant" hashtag while asking him to come to a shit old guy party at the compound.


I think that's why Patrice liked opie, he saw him for the dim witted little fella that he is, and treated him like a toddler. Many times I remember opie doing a line and Patrice getting a genuine laugh out of it, opie said watching bobo was like watching a video buffering, it tickled Patrice for whatever reason. Not a gut busting line, but Patrice saw the wee nimrod was trying his best.

No way, that was A+ trolling