Highroad Joe




Where are these rants located?




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Brother Joe: Abusing children & apostrophes alike since 1948

You've got to love a guy who in the same day that he launches his website which lays out in detail what a personal and professional failure he is, can also with a straight face refute his ex wife's charge that he's irresponsible.

He puts the "cool guy" emoji at the end, yet...he's the one that married her in the first place.

Oh, Joseph....

So that posting by his ex was real!

Anyone screenshot it before it got removed?

What trash these two are.

How old is this dude?

It's great that both Kumiya brothers whinge about their ex-wives as if they're amazing guys. You chose to marry "Robert Plant with a uterus" you moron.

The jobless bald fatso with tits is acting like it was his decision to get a divorce. The more likely scenario is she got tired of him getting fired and abusive failing to chase his doomed dream of becoming a rock star so she decided to get rid of the dead weight in her life.

More evidence that black people will never master this simple are of properly using commas.

He either thinks parentheses are for queers or he's just too lazy to use shift. I'll go with the latter.

What faggot.

It's infuriating that this man is so stupid and yet he thinks he's so smart.

Well at least "Robert Plant" wants to get her kids to school on time you nigger.

Who is he talking to? There can't possibly be people into these writings.

Not gonna lie, I was just as cringy when social media came out, but my friends made fun of me for these a lot so I stopped. Is everyone in Joe's life a complete idiot?

Where are these rants located?

The jobless bald fatso with tits is acting like it was his decision to get a divorce. The more likely scenario is she got tired of him getting fired and abusive failing to chase his doomed dream of becoming a rock star so she decided to get rid of the dead weight in her life.


He either thinks parentheses are for queers or he's just too lazy to use shift. I'll go with the latter.