What is wrong with Compound Media?

25  2017-06-22 by porsalin

Give Bobo a fucking show already. We've got a chip podacast. A Bobo show on top of that would be perfect. An hour a week of taking calls and hosting other retards. It's the show we've all been waiting for.


I'm working on the call and I'm Bobo show. Just let us settle into the new studio for a few days.

CP Media is only interested in bad ideas. This would be cheap, popular and maybe even profitable.

Meanwhile, Keith has almost closed the Matarese deal and has started negotiations with Joe DeVito.

If he could land a whopper like DeVito, everything else will fall into place. Couple that with the new studio in NYC, and I have a feeling that 2018 is going to be vuuuury profitable for Compound Media.

He feeds off the energy of that live studio audience.

Keith is legit dumb enough to get a spring in his step after reading this.

Like you say, Bobo would cost far less than matatese and be far more popular. He's already tweeted back today saying he'd absolutely love to do it.

No shit.

Nobody wants matarese. He's finished. It's insane you have the likes of safe space or in hot water and there's still no room for a Bobo show. The test show with the Nucky Thompson calls was fucking great. With a bit of structure the Bobo show could be incredible. It could be chip podacast level good.

Stop with the chip podcast. It's mediocre at best.

You need to wait a month of two more before that comment will be approved of here.

He's just ahead of the hate curve.

Imagine if Bobo is actually a brilliant broadcaster and Compound Media would have to bargain for his services with The Nightly News in 5 years.

you mean you didnt see the episode with bobo and colin? bobos a natural!

What's RIGHT with Compound media?


The concept?

The Gavin and Bobo show would rule. 1 hour a week where Bobo is deconstructed and humiliated for things he can't control.

I'd like it to be Bobo and Gavin's asshole debating each other on topical issues for one hour each week.

Brilliant. And they need to bring back the O&A bit where retard waterhead Bobo had to sit in the hall with a bag over his head.

Jim needs to rope Bobo in for a Chippa episode with CQ.

what isn't?

Da Chippa podacast is on da riotcast not da compund media ya pieces of gahbage

The fact that compound media still has a visual element just proves how clueless they are. It adds nothing, and it just shows how ghoulish Anthony Cumia looks while he's screaming about the coloreds.

They had a Bobo show. It only lasted 1 episode and about 7 minutes in the novelty wore off.

I disagree. I thought it was masterful.