Can't think of a caption.

8  2017-06-22 by unclepaul84



"Three bullets from utopia."

I want to discuss their relationship with food...


This was 5 seconds before that floor collapsed like the World Trade Center.

It was an inside the stomach job.

The Penguin, Ra's al Tool, and Mr. Freeze Pop

all that fat surrounding rollands heart gives me hope for his impending death

Moby Dicks.

"Cholesterol Imagined"

I can:

burrp burrrp farrrrtt cough cough wheezing cough

Monster, chef and downsy.

Someone in Rolands life needs to tell him to wear bigger shirts.

REMINDER: That ghoul on the left is surprised when attractive women don't want a relationship with him.

There's no room in that pic to fit a caption

Forget a caption, I'd rather read their eulogy.

He's so grotesquely ugly unfunny fat fuck.


Erock is so strange looking

I want to use two fingers to push his eyes back into his head.

Roland looks like something out of Clayfighter 3D.

What annoys me most about this photo: People who are still rocking shirts that have ironic variations of the Black Flag logo.

Especially when you know they never have and never will listen to Black Flag.

Stupid T-Shirt Club

"Cat Flag"?

Fucking DIE...

Roland's fist looks fucking huge

You mean fat.

"Really strong floor"




Erock looks like he got tear gassed

Team "inglorious Holes" Regning Homosex Champions Power bottom division.

They should be forced to take the stairs to get to work.

(Heavy Breathing)

Erock legit looks retarded and Roland looks like the kind of guy that gets beaten to death 5 minutes into his prison stay because they know he's a kid toucher just by looking at him. They don't need to wait for a guard to mention it. Roland looks like he sits outside gap kids in his Subaru jerking off.

Roland looks like a standin for the Gluttony scene in Se7en

How to exceed the weight capacity of a freight elevator with only 3 people.

what an embarrassment


Looks like a charity outing for the patients of some psych ward

There is enough denim in that picture to wrap around the equator. And about 120 lbs of tits.

Roland, Carl, and Erock all stood for the photo, blissfully unaware of their impending lesson that the floor was not rated for over 900 pounds of weight.

Damn, you know The Nagel's looking rough when Roland looks healthy by comparison.