Is this dunce claiming to be a navy seal ?




Seal is that black singer he wants to kill for fucking white women I believe.

Spit from a Rose

But if he kills him how will he get his allowance?

I defy any "former man" to date a Lonely Sicilian and not get choked the fuck out #REAL

In his mind, Joe thinks he's a tough, badass Seal Team 6 member. In reality, he got discharged for trying to blow his bunkmate.

His service comprised of peeling potatoes.

So you're saying Joe was the nigga that got away climbing out the window in Full Metal Jacket!

Joe would absolutely love if a couple of burly navy seal came into his home and forced him to quarter soldiers. Joe would make them a big dinner then spend hours showing them all the cool things that his little brother bought for him.

Then at night, Joe would force his wife to sleep on the floor so that the servicemen have a nice comfy bed to sleep in. Joe would then get in the middle of the bed and say "c'mon boys, you guys need your rest" and the Navy Seals would sleep on each side with a happy Joe in the middle.

Throughout the night Joe would rub his leg on their legs and offer them back massages. Eventually one of the seals would take charge and finally penetrate him. After the seals are done sodomizing this old faggot, he would probably look up at them while he's covered in their seed and say in a fatigued voice "Thank you so much for you service".

He meant the animal.

Ah boooo


No he is not. Terrible guy though, total nigger.

So while his estranged wife is outting him for being a scumbag psycho who mentally abuses her and their child he's comparing himself to Navy seals?

He was in the army no?

He was in the frying commandos. An elite food prep team.

They said he was in the 82nd Airborne in the early 80's. One of the funnier stories Anthony told during the WNEW years was about him almost blowing himself up with an artillery simulator his brother boosted during those years.

Have the Cumia brothers had any jobs that they were not stealing from?

I thought he was in the Air Force

I think he confused his career as a cook in the Army with Steven Segal's navy SEAL cook character in Under Siege.

Governor # Thermite PAINT

Marcus Lutrell (the guy who wrote the book this schlock is based on) is a liar. It figures a phony would support another phony.

Joe hates # Seal

My dad was a SEAL and hated that movie

4 reel? What BUD/s class and where was he stationed?

This isn't the first time Joe mistook himself for John Rambo.

Lone Survivor is a very entertaining and interesting book, I highly recommend that you fellas read it. The firefight scenes in the movie are incredibly realistic because Marcus Luttrell was a consultant but it unnecessarily included some stuff that didn't happen

He was in the Army, but he's clearly implying he was a seal.

Makes sense. Lone Survivor is on sale at Target right now.

He was in the army, so he might thing he was.

I'm a veteran and I thought it was dumb and gay, especially because most of it is a complete fabrication and Luttrell is full of shit

Isnt a former Seal Team 6 dude a tranny now?

Ewww what the fuck does he know about the military.

Former service man = HVAC repair?

these Cumia brothers are child predators. Why does Joe C have a crying little girl as his profile? Fucking creep

Lone survivor is made up horseshit. The Pashtu guy said Luttrell is making up a bunch of shit so Luttrell stopped trying to get him asylum in the US