Carl Ruiz>Opie

6  2017-06-22 by mchiseing

I want a Mad Cuban/Big Jay show


(How to get downvoted) even though it'd be better than Opie's show or legion of skanks.

I would love to see those two do a show just for the outfits.

Two Jorts, No Waiting with Carl & Jason

I'll give Carl one thing: he came close to calling out Opie's bullshit 'airband' story, "how come you can remember ALL these details, but not one person's name?"

It would be great if Ruiz, Vic, and Sherrod would unknowingly break Greggshells out of sheer stupidity and just continue their raucus fake laughter while Opie pouts in the corner

Throat cancer from sucking a black cock>Opie/Carl Ruiz

Carl called out Chuck from North Carolina on his bullshit stories today.

Too bad there's never anyone calling out Carl on all of his bullshit stories.

Legion of sous-chefs

Opie oh so socially justiced a Latin American, a black man and, well a hay seed into his progressive show...Hes so subtle.