how long until Gavin kills himself?

1  2017-06-21 by JeremyACrosby


Not soon enough. The AIDS he's caught from his Proud Boys gay bareback orgies might get him first.

I don't like Gavin either, but do you seriously believe he would want to be a part of what Vice has become?

So that what they pay you to be a societal cancer?

Yeah, but does Shane get to shove things up his asshole for 45 angry edgelords on a former shock jock's podcast?

I think we know who the real winner is here.

Wait, you think being a billionaire is better than being a podcast host on a local Long Island podcast network?

Hopefully within the next 20 minutes.

That's great and all but does he have his own homosexual cult?

At least Gavin is not a cuck like this billionaire!