Anyone know a way to increase your testosterone? (Serious replies only, gang)

0  2017-06-21 by BabyDinosaurHead

I'm getting into a weightlifting routine but I feel as if my testosterone is low for my age. I assume Super Male Vitality and that Testosterone Booster shit that Six Star sells at Wal-Mart is useless?

PMs welcome, fellas.


Stop sitting around all day doing nothing but shitposting on the internet. Seriously.

I already work 40 hours a week and lift weights 45 minutes a day 6 days a week but I want to do more. Test can help with that.

lift weights 45 minutes a day 6 days a week

In all seriousness, if you are hoping for any increase in muscle strength or hypertrophy, you need to work out less, unless you want to eat 7000 calories a day and sleep 9 hours a day.

And have you tried stuffing your face in another man's ass and suffocating in his musk?

But I only work out each body part three times a week.

If you listened to rogan at all, you would already know that you need to be doing kettle bells and other compound exercises and receiving tht from a fancy hollywood doctor while receiving stem cell injections from another doctor. dipshit.


If you feel your testosterone is low, go to a doctor. Any supplement that is OTC and boosts testosterone is likely unhealthy or ineffectual.

Focus on compound movements, especially barbell squats and deadlifts. Don't forget that nutrition is key - you must stay hydrated and intake a calorie surplus.

Oh, and don't forget to drink a lot of cum.

Oh, and don't forget to drink a lot of cum.

If that worked, Norton wouldn't have the body of an emaciated baby bird.

I have paragraphs two and three covered.

then you start using the steroids brotherman

just a taste

lol bit

tube steak swelling in underwear.

stop jerking off

Myself or does that include other fellas?

Just yourself? Or other guys, too?


its legitimately a way to increase testosterone

make sure you listen to Joe Rogan Podcast everyday, that's make you a MAANNN!

What's your current height and weight?

5'6", 205 pounds.

Use a lot of olive oil in your cooking and eat garlic on a regular basis

OH! What are you implying?! Fuckin' Doctor Oz over here!

Dude, you don't need testosterone, you need a treadmill.

Low weight high reps, cardio 4x a week(30-40 mins), 1800 calories a day of veggies, chicken/fish. Carbs and fruits in the morning only. Ur just overweight, u don't have low t

Shoot up some kratom.

That's not fucking funny.

It's not low, you are just fat, thus have more estrogen than you need. Also if you smoke some weeds, that will decrease T.

Exercising will do the trick. If you produce body hair normally, i.e., pubes lmao, then you shouldn't be taking T. In fact, no one should be taking T. We need wimps too.

But keep at it, friend!

"Anything is possible" -Brian Scalabrine

Thanks fam.

How'd you know my real name is Fam?

Your body will produce more testosterone with heavy compound lifts. Forget isolation exercises until you've been working out for at least 6-8 months. Heavy squats, heavy deadlifts, heavy benchpress and weighted pull ups. Also as someone else said you are overtraining, your nervous system is being taxed too hard which will effect everything from your immune system to sexual health to ability to sleep to strength

Also as someone else said you are overtraining, your nervous system is being taxed too hard which will effect everything from your immune system to sexual health to ability to sleep to strength

Really? I do 3 sets of 8-10 reps of squats, bench press, chin-up, overhead press, and triceps extensions Monday Wednesday Friday.

Then 3 sets of 8-10 reps of squats, leg curls, calf raises, wrist curls, crunches and Tuesday Thursday and Friday.

I got it from Arnold's 1977 book Education of a bodybuilder- it's his beginner program. He says to do these 10 exercises three times a week but I split it into 5 exercises 6 days a week.

Do Mark Rippletoes Starting Strength. It's a 5x5 program and widely regarded as one of the best starter programs. You don't need to be doing isolation movements like the tricep extentions and wrist curls and crunches don't do anything except fuck your back up. Also get rid of the chin ups in favor of pull ups, more emphasis on the back. As a beginner lifter you just need to focus on the large muscle groups, your chest, your quads and hamstrings, lats and spinal erectors. benching will strengthen your shoulders and triceps, pull ups will strengthen your biceps but they are little muscles that dont need attention yet

I did that years ago. I gained strength buts its not a bodybuilding routine- Rd for strength, not appearance. 8-12 rep sets maximize hypertrophy.

Your looks dont matter when you're on the other side of a glory hole. Beleive me, I know.

Arnold was roided to the gills, why the fuck would you do his routine? Do a PPL make your own just split up pushing excercises pulling and legs 6 days a week. lower reps for compounds 1-5 3 sets and higher reps for isolations 8-12 between 6-7 reps is called the no gains zone. Push: Bench/ OHP/ french press, tricep kick back Pull: BB row, Pull ups, Preacher Curl, db curl Legs: Squat Deads donkey kicks and good mornings for a tight buns repeat and switch off the compound exercise you start with

But I'm not doing Arnold's 3 hour a day 6 days a week advanced workout. It's his program for beginners.

ask that midget from other sub - he might know

Whatever benoit took it will work wonders for you

Cock is full of testosterone. Go suck one.


one hundred, he meant surely.

Okay , doing the math here. He's going to need 16.6666667 cocks.

Or 5 if you have some horses around.

Whoa slow down there. Too much of a good thing yah know?

You can get about six testosterones out of one dick. You got to suck it all out of there though. Every drop. How many testosterones do you need?

Run. Running increases your testosterone. The "losing gains" meme is wrong and dumb.

squats and deadlifts garlic one shot of vodka after lifting tren/ test e/ anavar

Go to any gym.Look for square jaw,front teeth separation huge forehead motherfucker and ask for juice.

then you start using the steroids brotherman

just a taste