I've got to stop hate following this pathetic old man

27  2017-06-21 by Dennyislife


Did I mention how much I hate Carl Ruiz? It's incredible that Opie is completely oblivious to the fact that Carl Ruiz has singlehandedly ruined his already bad show. It's fucking unlistenable.

He makes the Stangel brothers look like the Marx brothers.

I want to hate Carl, but he is the necessary icing on the cake of awfulness that is Opie's show.

Yeah, I guess he does jazz it up a bit.

Opie's only talent is finding people to put around him that are almost as awful as he is. He's assembled the Justice League of Unfunny Faggots.

You realize that it was Opie who picked both Anthony and Jimmy; right?

After scaring off 6 previous anthonies

I didn't know that. Thanks for the knowledge.

I think it was mentioned in his first greggshells episode on TACS. Anthony was the o to one with such little self respect to actually stick around and pretend to like tits.

Opie also tried to get Jim sacked. Opie only likes sharing the spotlight with those he deems less funny.

I'm proud to never have heard this fuck's voice.

Opie is a kind of man that has real sunglasses but chooses to create fake cartoon ones. The title of "mad" has been bestowed on the wrong gentleman, gentlemen!


That Cuban is surely a Jew in disguise.

Mad Jewban?

Mad Jew ban? tss what is he hitler or sumthin?

Like a herpes sore you can't stop touching with your tongue

Opie secretly wanted a morning zoo show his entire life and finally got one.

I was so busy checking out the shades I almost missed that hilarious shirt! Nice of The Opester to draw my attention to it.

That fucking smile he does in every fucking picture of him drives me up the wall. He's so fucking lazy he won't even commit to a full smile.

Great looking hairline there...

He's trying so fucking hard to make Carl a "radio star". Going to be hilarious when that over laughing guinea is the death of his show

Carl Ruiz looks like a South Park character that was made exaggeratedly hideous. I mean just fucking look at that ugly motherfucker. Look at him!

Waffle House cook lookin' ass.