Larry "Sherrod" Wilmore has a fuckin' podacast

6  2017-06-21 by Ant_Sucks


Another nig having a voice is one too many.

A famous comedy person has a podcast? So do a dozen people from this sub.

But only Brain on the Brink reigns supreme.

Do you think he'll talk about race in America?

There's a 60% chance he will.

Cool. I've been looking for some new insightful hot takes on Trump

I did not read that link as '' the first time thru. Is that racist?

Larry Wilmore "Black On The Air" Just in case you forgot what color he was. What an asshole.

It's a testament to how bad he is that he couldn't even keep a show on the air on Comedy Central which seems to be the refuge for SJW's, minorities and every unfunny hack in general.