Opie with a fawkin HOMERUN

48  2017-06-21 by SHITLORD_CUNTDICK


Opie has been @Siriusly "Jazzing it up" lately.

But he wasn't fired, he resigned.. you JUST said it..

Simply stunning...

That's why "fired" is in quotes, brotherman. Nice try with the hate, though.

Opie is the punctuation master. Period.

Even if you resign you still clear out your stuff and carry a box when you leave! Goshh!

To be fair to Tits, resignations like this are almost always forced.

We're not here to be fair to Tits.

Shame on you.

And why did he put quotes on "fired," instead of "I just been fired?"

He is a dope.

What a dolt

Good thing is when Opie's contract is up he won't even need a box since he hasn't had an office to put things in like pictures of the kids that aren't his.

I just been fired

Holy fawkin' shit !!! I read that post while driving and had to pull over I swear to Go. Coffee just went FLYING out of my nose!!!

You were driving, drinking coffee and surfing the web at the same time? Only thing missing is a hooker's head between your legs.



Faaaawkin HOWLING

Such a simple man

they're doing a slow-firing on Opie, 1st take his show, then his desk, then office, then hallway floorspace ..... makes it easy for when he next takes a sickday near contract time, they can just say 'don't bother coming back'. Then he can make another aquarium video.

He's trying hard to make it seem like his show is getting popular. All his calls are pro Opie, he and his 3 sidekick dolts laugh at anything and everything, he has numerous fake twitter accounts telling him how great his show is daily and he's releasing new merchandise.

Sirius must be thinking that he's the next Howard Stern at this point. Or they have brains and can see no one likes his show and it sucks donkey balls.

Next, they're going to take his stapler.

Holy shit Opie sucks.

Opie & the sous chef will be in a similar position in October (if not sooner)

At least the sous chef has cooking skills to fall back on.

You don't think slathering prime cuts of steak in barbecue sauce and then cooking them extremely well-done constitute cooking skills?

Got a nigga ribs hurtin today

(Or in OpSpeak)-World Star. Got a nigga! Ribs hurtin today!

Fucking idiot

What's an "I just been 'fired'" box?

Lynsi's cootah after Bam visits.

I think I figured it out: this dolt doesn't know how to use punctuation.

Should be:

...with his "Just Been Fired" box?

Yes, but it still begs the question of why you'd avoid common expressions like pink slip/walking papers/letter of resignation/severance package and instead make up a box that tells you you're fired.

Well, this would refer to the cardboard-box you put the shit from your desk in.

Just because he resigned from Uber doesn't mean he can't still use the service...that don't make no sense!

Are you a fucking dolt? Why the hell would the ex-ceo use the service of his ex company that through share options he almost certainly has a monetary interest in still.

Do you realize how scared Opie must be at this point? His new show sucks and his co-hosts are as useless and unfunny as he is. He's probably about to be fired and has to face the prospect of going back to terrestrial radio where he never had any success until he hooked up with Anthony.

Plus he'll probably find himself applying to stations he mocked during jocktober and if he gets a job every show he made fun of is going to have a field day attacking him when they hear how bland and shitty his show will be.

Opie is far to stupid and delusional to know how shitty his situation is.

I think he is implying that ceo is so mad that he likes the rival company now. Real kneeslapper This opie guy I tell ya

Opie's not in a position to piss off potential shirt customers.

He @ mentions lyftin hopes that they'll retweet it, what a retard.

The amount of confusion this attempt at a joke is giving me is fuckong infuriating.

Wow...that's bad.

This attempt at a joke fucking infuriates me. Holy shit.

He was consistently in the company of funny people for roughly 25 years. You'd think SOME of it would have rubbed off on him, even by accident. But nope, not Opie.

Can someone translate this? This was told like a cartoonish punch: the first sentence was his wind-up; windmilling his fist. Then he knocks you out with the zinger of a punchline.

or sumptin', I dunnno. I'm just riffin'.

Tiss yeah cause he's probably lifting his "fired" box to get in his car right?

He could've been a successful comedian, you know?!

A model, stand-up comedian, cuckold, sloth and Radio host. Raised in a poor hippie-commune and eating from cement bags. No wonder he was Erock's hero.

serious - is he using a prepburger?

In theory, he might have his own car. I mean, I'd find it hard to believe that everybody at Uber takes an Uber to work.

Simply stunning...

That's why "fired" is in quotes, brotherman. Nice try with the hate, though.

Even if you resign you still clear out your stuff and carry a box when you leave! Goshh!

To be fair to Tits, resignations like this are almost always forced.

And why did he put quotes on "fired," instead of "I just been fired?"

He is a dope.

Are you a fucking dolt? Why the hell would the ex-ceo use the service of his ex company that through share options he almost certainly has a monetary interest in still.