Opies next live event... hopefully

45  2017-06-20 by ihaveaholeinmyass


Anthony would finally get his revenge

You got a DeLoran or sumthin'?

A beheading would be too merciful. They all need to be tortured for a few days first.

Glad to see you made sure Opie has tits. Attention to detail is appreciated. Vurry good.

They wouldn't be able to cut through that big fat tongue.

Is Opie the only one who SiriusXM pays to do the show? Do Sous Chef, Meat Salesman and Black Guy volunteer their time to laugh loudly at nothing?

I defy you to listen to Howard Stern's show and not feel the same way. Howard's got a bunch of sycophants laughing at his every dumb, pre-written jokes.

As worthless as Sal, Richard and JD might be, they are far more tolerable than a obese, overbearing, lying Sous Chef who hopefully will be homeless when his last business fails in the coming months.

Jesus H. Fuck, who's the gap-toothed creep on the left?

That is the overbearing Sous Chef who volunteers as Opie's co-host. I've literally never heard anyone more worthless on the radio.

Does the Sous Chef have a name?

Carl Ruiz

...$20 cover...

How can you not like Vic?

Vic has the thinnest lips in the business

When did ISIS behead all those guys? 2014? That was three years ago already? Fuuuuuuuck.

As worthless as Sal, Richard and JD might be, they are far more tolerable than a obese, overbearing, lying Sous Chef who hopefully will be homeless when his last business fails in the coming months.